I have an old open close sensor. The one that takes the 2450 circle battery. Not the new Aeotec ones. Anyway, I’m really struggling resetting it ( bought second hand )
In put the hub into pairing (hub flashes green ) i then insert the battery into the sensor whilst holding down the little connect button, as soon as the blue led light comes on I let go of the connect button. Here’s the issue. Sometimes it’ll flash blue and then a solid green, which I assume means it’s paired. Only it isn’t. If I try again sometimes it’ll just flash blue every few seconds, but still won’t connect.
I’ve did loads of these and never had any issues but it was a while ago. Am I’m doing something wrong here?
Sorry I can’t find the model number but it’s this one.
Yeah, I’ve tried to pair it right next to the hub. I’m not sure if I’m resetting it first though. Tried so so many times.
Thanks. Thats what I’ve been doing, so many times and it won’t connect. Actually, it will flash blue and then go a solid green, which I would have thought meant it’s connected, but it doesn’t show up on the app at all.
(Keeping SmartThings limping along since 2013.)
Sounds like it might defective or broken. The only other thing I would try is a completely different battery brand. I know it sounds strange, but a few of the sensors I have are very picky about what batteries they prefer.
I have two sensors of this model that were stored for a long time, and I recently decided to reset and use them, but I also had problems. Sometimes the hub would identify and add the sensor, but it would soon stop responding. What I discovered is that depending on the brand of the battery you are using (some are slightly thicker or thinner), there is poor contact with the terminals in the circuit. For example, one of them would stay paired while I was pressing the battery but would turn off as soon as I released it. Another would stop working when I put the cover back on, which slightly pushed the battery. This can be resolved in several ways: placing a small piece of paper under the battery, carefully adjusting the positive and negative terminals to ensure they contact the battery in the right places, etc.
Anyway, before throwing away the sensor, check if it has a poor connection with the battery.
Thanks I’ll try that. But it’s not pairing at all. I know there’s power because I can see the LEDs flashing blue, sometimes it goes into a solid green. But it’s not showing up at all.
Why not link Hubitat to ST and use both.?Then you don’t need to go through the pain or removing 300 devices from ST and adding the 300 devices to Hubitat.
let’s state that differently… link the two platforms and share your ST devices with Hubitat. Move what is needed or move some devices over and that way you don’t need to move everything. Some devices will probably need to be moved as they may not function with the linkage. But if you want to experience the “loving feeling” that comes with moving every single device over…one by one and so on… feel free and recreating Routines, Rooms, etc. HA HA.
or linking can allow you to move everything over a slower pace.
As I’m moving house sometime next year I think the time has come for me to move to Hubitat completely, clean slate and all. I’ll keep the ST hub as I may need that for a few things and I suppose i could link the 2 of them but I think I want my main hub to be Hubitat.
What’s the best way to actually link them as that’s not something I’ve did before?
Hubitat has some great features, and I run both HE and ST at the same time. But some people have issues with pre-Zigbee 3.0 devices on the C-8/C-8 Pro. With ST i’ve not had any Zwave or Zigbee issues at all.
I use Mira to provide a bridge between devices on HE and ST to allow the ST UI to be the interface. Works great for us.