@doncaruana, My Zooz Zen21 v2 switch no longer takes commands (On/Off or LED State and Invert Sw state) with your device handler (via SmartThings Classic Android App). It reads On/Off status just fine. After quite a bit of troubleshooting and removing/excluding the switch and re-adding several times (also tried removing power from switch and doing a full reset on it)…it only wants to work properly now if its device handler is the generic “Z-Wave Relay”. I’m wondering if something Samsung has updated recently broke your device handler (but would think others would be complaining as well). I had been running the switch with your D.H. for a year with no issues until just recently…now I have to use the “Z-Wave Relay” D.H. to operate the switch properly.
Anyone having any issues with this D.H. right now?
Don’s Device Handler Version: 2017-10-14
Hub firmware: 000.022.00013. SmartThings Classic Android App: 2.16.1(Build 219306).
Here’s the IDE details on the Zooz Zen21 v2 switch:
Product Type: B111
applicationVersion: 20
Manufacturer: Zooz
zWaveLibraryType: 6
Product Code: 1E1C
applicationSubVersion: 15
zWaveProtocolSubVersion: 5
zWaveProtocolVersion: 4
MSR: 027A-B111-1E1C
Manufacturer ID: 027A
RAW Description: zw:L type:1001 mfr:027A prod:B111 model:1E1C ver:20.15 zwv:4.05 lib:06 cc:5E,86,72,5A,73,85,59,25,27,20,70 role:05 ff:9D00 ui:9D00