[RELEASE] Fibaro FGBS-001 Universal Binary Sensor (UBS)

…And the version I’m using now:

 *  Device Type Definition File
 *  Device Type:		Fibaro UBS - Dual Contact and Temperature Sensor
 *  File Name:			Fibaro UBS - Dual Contact and Temperature Sensor.groovy
 *	Initial Release:	2017-11-07
 *	Author:				Chris Charles
 *  Copyright 2017 Chris Charles, based on original code by carlos.ir33, modified
 *  by Stuart Buchanan and Paul Crookes. Testing thanks to borristhecat.
metadata {
	definition (name: "Fibaro UBS", namespace: "cjcharles0", author: "Chris Charles") {
    capability "Contact Sensor"
 	capability "Motion Sensor"
    capability "Sensor"
	capability "Temperature Measurement"
    capability "Configuration"
    command "removeChildDevices"
    command "createChildDevices"
    command "createChildTempDevices"
    command "updateCurrentParams"
    command "listCurrentParams"
    command "open1"
    command "open2"
    command "close1"
    command "close2"
    attribute "contact1","enum",["open1","close1"]
    attribute "contact2","enum",["open2","close2"]
	fingerprint type: "2001", cc: "30 60 85 8E 72 70 86 7A", ccOut: "2B"

simulator {

tiles(scale: 2) {
	standardTile("contact1", "device.contact1", width: 3, height: 2) {
		state "open", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.open", backgroundColor: "#e86d13", action: "close1"
		state "closed", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.closed", backgroundColor: "#00a0dc", action: "open1"
	standardTile("contact2", "device.contact2", width: 3, height: 2) {
		state "open", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.open", backgroundColor: "#e86d13", action: "close2"
		state "closed", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.closed", backgroundColor: "#00a0dc", action: "open2"
	standardTile("temp1text", "temp1text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 1:', action:"", icon:""
	standardTile("temp2text", "temp2text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 2:', action:"", icon:""
	standardTile("temp3text", "temp3text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 3:', action:"", icon:""
	standardTile("temp4text", "temp4text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 4:', action:"", icon:""
	valueTile("temperature1", "temperature1", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"
	valueTile("temperature2", "temperature2", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"
	valueTile("temperature3", "temperature3", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"
    valueTile("temperature4", "temperature4", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"

	standardTile("configure", "device.configure", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 3, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Send Config', action:"updateCurrentParams"//, icon:"st.secondary.configure"
	standardTile("report", "device.report", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 3, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'List Config', action:"listCurrentParams"
    standardTile("createchildren", "createchildren", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Create Contact Children', action:"createChildDevices"
    standardTile("createtempchildren", "createtempchildren", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Create Temperature Children', action:"createChildTempDevices"
    standardTile("removechildren", "removechildren", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Remove Child Devices', action:"removeChildDevices"

main(["contact1"]) //, "temperature1"
		"temp1text", "temperature1", "temp2text", "temperature2",
        "temp3text", "temperature3", "temp4text", "temperature4",
        "configure", "report", "createchildren", "createtempchildren", "removechildren"])

preferences {
        input name: "Info", type: "paragraph", title:"Device Handler by @cjcharles", description: "Parameter Settings:", displayDuringSetup: false

        input name: "param1", type: "number", range: "0..65535", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 1 - Input 1 Alarm Cancellation Delay. \n" +
                   "Additional delay after an alarm from input 1 has ceased.\n" +
                   "Time in seconds to delay the ceasing event.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."
        input name: "param2", type: "number", range: "0..65535", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 2 - Input 2 Alarm Cancellation Delay. \n" +
                   "Additional delay after an alarm from input 2 has ceased.\n" +
                   "Time in seconds to delay the ceasing event.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."
        input name: "param3", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "1",
            title: "Parameter No. 3 - Type of Input No 1." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 – INPUT_NO (Normal Open)\n" +
				   "1 – INPUT_NC (Normal Close)\n" +
				   "2 – INPUT_MONOSTABLE\n" +
				   "3 – INPUT_BISTABLE\n" +
                   "Default value: 1."

		input name: "param4", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "1",
            title: "Parameter No. 4 - Type of Input No 2." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 – INPUT_NO (Normal Open)\n" +
				   "1 – INPUT_NC (Normal Close)\n" +
				   "2 – INPUT_MONOSTABLE\n" +
				   "3 – INPUT_BISTABLE\n" +
                   "Default value: 1."

		input name: "param5", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 5 - Type of transmitted control or alarm frame for association group 1." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
				   "0 – Frame ALARM GENERIC\n" +
				   "1 – Frame ALARM SMOKE\n" +
				   "2 – Frame ALARM CO\n" +
				   "3 – Frame ALARM CO2\n" +
				   "4 – Frame ALARM HEAT\n" +
				   "5 – Frame ALARM WATER\n" +
				   "255 – Control frame BASIC_SET\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param6", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 6 - Type of transmitted control or alarm frame for association group 2." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
				   "0 – Frame ALARM GENERIC\n" +
				   "1 – Frame ALARM SMOKE\n" +
				   "2 – Frame ALARM CO\n" +
				   "3 – Frame ALARM CO2\n" +
				   "4 – Frame ALARM HEAT\n" +
				   "5 – Frame ALARM WATER\n" +
				   "255 – Control frame BASIC_SET\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param7", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 7 - Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when " +
            	   "sent a “switch on” / ”open” command from association group no. 1.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0-99 - Dimming or Opening Percentage\n" +
                   "255 - Last set percentage\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param8", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 8 - Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when " +
            	   "sent a “switch on” / ”open” command from association group no. 2.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0-99 - Dimming or Opening Percentage\n" +
                   "255 - Last set percentage\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param9", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 9 - Deactivating transmission of the frame cancelling the alarm or the " +
				   "control frame deactivating the device (Basic). Disable the alarm cancellation function.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 – Cancellation sent for association group 1 and 2\n" +
				   "1 – Cancellation sent for association group 1 only\n" +
				   "2 – Cancellation sent for association group 2 only\n" +
				   "3 - Not sent for association group 1 or 2\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."

		input name: "param10", type: "number", range: "1..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "20",
            title: "Parameter No. 10 - Interval between successive readings of temperature from all " +
				   "sensors connected to the device. (A reading does not result in sending to ST)\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "1-255 - Seconds between readings\n" +
                   "Default value: 20."

		input name: "param11", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "200",
            title: "Parameter No. 11 - Interval between forcing to send report of the temperature. " +
				   "The forced report is sent immediately after the next temperature reading, " +
				   "irrespective of parameter 12. Advised to be 200 unless rapid temperature changes are expected.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 - Deactivate temperature sending\n" +
                   "1-255 - Seconds between sends\n" +
                   "Default value: 200."

		input name: "param12", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "8",
            title: "Parameter No. 12 - Insensitiveness to temperature changes. This is the maximum " +
				   "difference between the last reported temperature and the current temperature. " +
				   "If they differ by more than this then a report is sent.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0-255 - x/16 = temp diff in C\n" +
                   "x/80*9 = temp diff in F\n" +
                   "Default value: 8 (0.5oC)."

		input name: "param13", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 13 - Transmitting the alarm or control frame in “broadcast” mode (i.e. to " +
				   "all devices within range), this information is not repeated by the mesh network." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 - IN1 and IN2 broadcast inactive,\n" +
                   "1 - IN1 broadcast mode active only,\n" +
                   "2 - IN2 broadcast mode active only,\n" +
                   "3 - INI and IN2 broadcast mode active.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."

		input name: "param14", type: "number", range: "0..1", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 14 - Scene activation functionality." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 - Deactivated functionality,\n" +
                   "1 - Activated functionality.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."

def installed() {
	log.debug "installed()"
    runIn(30, "tempReadRequest")
def updated() {
	log.debug "updated()"
	log.debug "Dont forget to press the button to send config to the device"
    runIn(30, "tempReadRequest")
def uninstalled() {
    log.debug "uninstalled()"

def configure() {
	log.debug "configure()"

def createChildDevices(){
	log.debug "Adding Child Devices if not already added"
    for (i in 1..2) {
    	try {
        	log.debug "Trying to create child switch if it doesn't already exist ${i}"
            def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}"}
            if (currentchild == null) {
            	log.debug "Creating child for ep${i}"
				addChildDevice("smartthings", "Open/Closed Sensor", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}", device.hub.id,
                	[completedSetup: true, name: "${device.displayName} (Contact${i})", isComponent: false]) //, label: "${device.displayName} (Contact${i})"
                /*addChildDevice(deviceHandlerName, "${device.deviceNetworkId}-${deviceName}${deviceNumber}", null,
         			[completedSetup: true, label: "${device.displayName} (${deviceName}${deviceNumber})", 
                	isComponent: false, componentName: "${deviceName}${deviceNumber}", componentLabel: "${deviceName} ${deviceNumber}"])*/
        } catch (e) {
            log.debug "Error adding child ${i}: ${e}"
def createChildTempDevices() {
    log.debug "Creating Temperature children"
    for (i in 1..4) {
    	try {
        	//If we have a temperature reading from this sensor (1 to 4) then try to create a child for it
        	if (device.currentValue("temperature${i}") != null) {
            	log.debug "Have received temperature readings for termperature${i} so creating a child for it if not already there"
                def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-temperature${i}"}
                if (currentchild == null) {
                    addChildDevice("smartthings", "Temperature Sensor", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-temperature${i}", device.hub.id,
                        [completedSetup: true, name: "${device.displayName} (Temp${i})", isComponent: false]) //, label: "${device.displayName} (Temp${i})"
            else {
            	log.debug "No temperature received for temperature${i} so no child will be created" 
        } catch (e) {
            log.debug "Error adding Temperature # ${i} child: ${e}"
private removeChildDevices() {
	log.debug "Removing Child Devices"
    try {
        getChildDevices()?.each {
        	try {
            } catch (e) {
                log.debug "Error deleting ${it.deviceNetworkId}, probably locked into a SmartApp: ${e}"
    } catch (err) {
        log.debug "Either no children exist or error finding child devices for some reason: ${err}"

def parse(String description) {
	def result = null
	def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [ 0x60: 3])
	if (cmd) {
		result = zwaveEvent(cmd)
	log.debug "parsed '$description' to result: ${result}"
	return result

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv1.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
	log.debug("ManufacturerSpecificReport ${cmd.inspect()}")

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
	log.debug("ConfigurationReport ${cmd.inspect()}")

def createEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd, Map item1) { 
	log.debug "manufacturerId:   ${cmd.manufacturerId}"
    log.debug "manufacturerName: ${cmd.manufacturerName}"
    log.debug "productId:        ${cmd.productId}"
    log.debug "productTypeId:    ${cmd.productTypeId}"


def createEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.versionv1.VersionReport cmd, Map item1) {	
    updateDataValue("applicationVersion", "${cmd.applicationVersion}")
    log.debug "applicationVersion:      ${cmd.applicationVersion}"
    log.debug "applicationSubVersion:   ${cmd.applicationSubVersion}"
    log.debug "zWaveLibraryType:        ${cmd.zWaveLibraryType}"
    log.debug "zWaveProtocolVersion:    ${cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion}"
    log.debug "zWaveProtocolSubVersion: ${cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion}"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
	log.debug "BasicSet V1 ${cmd.inspect()}"
    def currentstate
    def motionstate
	if (cmd.value) {
		currentstate = "open"
        motionstate = "inactive"
	} else {
    	currentstate = "closed"
        motionstate = "active"
    createEvent(name: "contact1", value: currentstate, descriptionText: "${device.displayName} is ${currentstate}")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep1"}
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: motionstate)
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: currentstate)
            log.debug "Fibaro is ${motionstate} and ${currentstate}"
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {
	log.debug "ZWaveEvent V3 ${cmd.inspect()}"
	def result
	if (cmd.commandClass == 32) {
        def currentstate
        def motionstate
		if (cmd.parameter == [0]) {
        	currentstate = "closed"
            motionstate = "active"
		if (cmd.parameter == [255]) {
        	currentstate = "open"
            motionstate = "inactive"
        log.debug "ep${cmd.sourceEndPoint} is ${currentstate}"
        //First update tile on this device
        sendEvent(name: "contact${cmd.sourceEndPoint}", value: currentstate, descriptionText: "$device.displayName - ep${cmd.sourceEndPoint} is ${currentstate}")
		//If not null then we have found either ep1 or ep2, hence try to send to the child device aswell
        try {
            def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${cmd.sourceEndPoint}"}
            if (childDevice)
                childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: motionstate)
                childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: currentstate)
        } catch (e) {
            log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"
	else if (cmd.commandClass == 49) {
		if ((cmd.sourceEndPoint >= 3) && (cmd.sourceEndPoint <= 6)) {
			def tempsensorid = cmd.sourceEndPoint - 2
			def tempendpoint = "temperature" + tempsensorid.toString()
            def tempval = ((cmd.parameter[4] * 256) + cmd.parameter[5])
            if (tempval > 32767) {
            	//Here we deal with negative values
            	tempval = tempval - 65536
            //Finally round the temperature
            def tempprocessed = (tempval / 100).toDouble().round(1)
			//def cmdScale = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
			//def tempval = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledSensorValue, cmdScale, cmd.precision).toDouble().round(1)
            log.debug "${tempendpoint} has changed to ${tempprocessed}"
            sendEvent(name: tempendpoint, value: tempprocessed, displayed: true) //unit: getTemperatureScale()
			//If not null then we have found either contact1 or contact2, hence try to send to the child
            try {
                def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-${tempendpoint}"}
                if (childDevice)
                	//We found a child device that matches so send it the new temperature
                    childDevice.sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: tempprocessed)
            } catch (e) {
            	//Not an error message here as people may not want child temperature devices
                log.debug "Couldn't find child ${tempendpoint} device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"
	else {
		//Send them here just in case we want to do more complicated processing (not doing it as need to have endpoint passed and that makes it a bit messy)
		def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x31: 2, 0x60: 3, 0x85: 2, 0x8E: 2, 0x72: 1, 0x70: 1, 0x86: 1, 0x7A: 1, 0xEF: 1, 0x2B: 1]) // can specify command class versions here like in zwave.parse
		log.debug ("Command from endpoint ${cmd.sourceEndPoint}: ${encapsulatedCommand}")
		if (encapsulatedCommand) {
			result = zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCommand)
    return result

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv2.SensorMultilevelReport cmd)
	//This is no longer used as caught in an earlier event, but kept here in case the code is useful
	log.debug "Sensor MultiLevel Report - Sensor Type = ${cmd.sensorType}"
	switch (cmd.sensorType) {
		case 1:
			// temperature
			def cmdScale = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
			def tempval = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledSensorValue, cmdScale, cmd.precision).toDouble().round(1)
            sendEvent(name: "temperature1", value: tempval, displayed: false) //unit: getTemperatureScale()
    log.debug map

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv1.SensorMultilevelReport cmd) {
    log.debug "SensorMultilevelReport $cmd"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) {
	// This will capture any commands not handled by other instances of zwaveEvent
	// and is recommended for development so you can see every command the device sends
	log.debug "Catchall reached for cmd: ${cmd.toString()}}"
	return createEvent(descriptionText: "${device.displayName}: ${cmd}")

def updateCurrentParams() {
	log.debug "Sending configuration parameters to device"
    def cmds = []
	cmds << zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationSet(groupingIdentifier:2, nodeId:[zwaveHubNodeId]).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:3, nodeId:[zwaveHubNodeId]).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 1, configurationValue:[param1.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 2, configurationValue:[param2.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 3, configurationValue:[param3.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 4, configurationValue:[param4.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 5, configurationValue:[param5.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 6, configurationValue:[param6.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 7, configurationValue:[param7.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 8, configurationValue:[param8.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 9, configurationValue:[param9.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 10, configurationValue:[param10.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 11, configurationValue:[param11.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 12, configurationValue:[param12.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 13, configurationValue:[param13.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 14, configurationValue:[param14.value]).format()
	delayBetween(cmds, 500)
def listCurrentParams() {
	log.debug "Listing of current parameter settings of ${device.displayName}"
    def cmds = []
	cmds << zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationGet(groupingIdentifier:2).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 3).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 1).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 2).format()
   	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 3).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 4).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 5).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 6).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 7).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 8).format()
   	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 9).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 10).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 11).format()
   	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 12).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 13).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 14).format()
	delayBetween(cmds, 500)

def open1() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact1", value: "open", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (1) is opened manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep1"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to open/inactive"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "inactive")
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "open")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def close1() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact1", value: "closed", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (1) is closed manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep1"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to closed/active"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "active")
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def open2() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact2", value: "open", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (2) is opened manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep2"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to open/inactive"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "inactive")
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "open")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def close2() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact2", value: "closed", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (2) is closed manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep2"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to closed/active"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "active")
			childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def tempReadRequest() {
    def cmds = []
    runIn(30, "tempReadRequest")
    log.debug "tempReadRequest"
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 3))
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 4))
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 5))
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 6))

private encap(cmd, endpoint = null) {
	if (cmd) {
		if (endpoint) {
			cmd = zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelCmdEncap(destinationEndPoint: endpoint).encapsulate(cmd)

		if (zwaveInfo.zw.contains("s")) {
		} else {
1 Like

Your second version is working or not ? Because on my UBS this not work :frowning:


I wish I could help more. All I can do is show you this…

which is definitely working…the probes are connected to this fibaro ubs…

…which in my list of device handlers is this…

…with a screen grab of the dth…

and following I’ll copy and paste again, just to be sure… (next reply)

 *  Device Type Definition File
 *  Device Type:		Fibaro UBS - Dual Contact and Temperature Sensor
 *  File Name:			Fibaro UBS - Dual Contact and Temperature Sensor.groovy
 *	Initial Release:	2017-11-07
 *	Author:				Chris Charles
 *  Copyright 2017 Chris Charles, based on original code by carlos.ir33, modified
 *  by Stuart Buchanan and Paul Crookes. Testing thanks to borristhecat.
metadata {
	definition (name: "Fibaro UBS", namespace: "cjcharles0", author: "Chris Charles") {
    capability "Contact Sensor"
 	capability "Motion Sensor"
    capability "Sensor"
	capability "Temperature Measurement"
    capability "Configuration"
    command "removeChildDevices"
    command "createChildDevices"
    command "createChildTempDevices"
    command "updateCurrentParams"
    command "listCurrentParams"
    command "open1"
    command "open2"
    command "close1"
    command "close2"
    attribute "contact1","enum",["open1","close1"]
    attribute "contact2","enum",["open2","close2"]
	fingerprint type: "2001", cc: "30 60 85 8E 72 70 86 7A", ccOut: "2B"

simulator {

tiles(scale: 2) {
	standardTile("contact1", "device.contact1", width: 3, height: 2) {
		state "open", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.open", backgroundColor: "#e86d13", action: "close1"
		state "closed", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.closed", backgroundColor: "#00a0dc", action: "open1"
	standardTile("contact2", "device.contact2", width: 3, height: 2) {
		state "open", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.open", backgroundColor: "#e86d13", action: "close2"
		state "closed", label: '${name}', icon: "st.contact.contact.closed", backgroundColor: "#00a0dc", action: "open2"
	standardTile("temp1text", "temp1text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 1:', action:"", icon:""
	standardTile("temp2text", "temp2text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 2:', action:"", icon:""
	standardTile("temp3text", "temp3text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 3:', action:"", icon:""
	standardTile("temp4text", "temp4text", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Temp 4:', action:"", icon:""
	valueTile("temperature1", "temperature1", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"
	valueTile("temperature2", "temperature2", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"
	valueTile("temperature3", "temperature3", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"
    valueTile("temperature4", "temperature4", width:1, height:1, decoration: "flat") {
		state "default", label:'${currentValue}°', unit:"C", backgroundColor:"#fab907"//, icon:"st.Weather.weather2"

	standardTile("configure", "device.configure", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 3, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Send Config', action:"updateCurrentParams"//, icon:"st.secondary.configure"
	standardTile("report", "device.report", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 3, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'List Config', action:"listCurrentParams"
    standardTile("createchildren", "createchildren", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Create Contact Children', action:"createChildDevices"
    standardTile("createtempchildren", "createtempchildren", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Create Temperature Children', action:"createChildTempDevices"
    standardTile("removechildren", "removechildren", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 1) {
		state "default", label:'Remove Child Devices', action:"removeChildDevices"

main(["contact1"]) //, "temperature1"
		"temp1text", "temperature1", "temp2text", "temperature2",
        "temp3text", "temperature3", "temp4text", "temperature4",
        "configure", "report", "createchildren", "createtempchildren", "removechildren"])

preferences {
        input name: "Info", type: "paragraph", title:"Device Handler by @cjcharles", description: "Parameter Settings:", displayDuringSetup: false

        input name: "param1", type: "number", range: "0..65535", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 1 - Input 1 Alarm Cancellation Delay. \n" +
                   "Additional delay after an alarm from input 1 has ceased.\n" +
                   "Time in seconds to delay the ceasing event.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."
        input name: "param2", type: "number", range: "0..65535", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 2 - Input 2 Alarm Cancellation Delay. \n" +
                   "Additional delay after an alarm from input 2 has ceased.\n" +
                   "Time in seconds to delay the ceasing event.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."
        input name: "param3", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "1",
            title: "Parameter No. 3 - Type of Input No 1." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 – INPUT_NO (Normal Open)\n" +
				   "1 – INPUT_NC (Normal Close)\n" +
				   "2 – INPUT_MONOSTABLE\n" +
				   "3 – INPUT_BISTABLE\n" +
                   "Default value: 1."

		input name: "param4", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "1",
            title: "Parameter No. 4 - Type of Input No 2." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 – INPUT_NO (Normal Open)\n" +
				   "1 – INPUT_NC (Normal Close)\n" +
				   "2 – INPUT_MONOSTABLE\n" +
				   "3 – INPUT_BISTABLE\n" +
                   "Default value: 1."

		input name: "param5", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 5 - Type of transmitted control or alarm frame for association group 1." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
				   "0 – Frame ALARM GENERIC\n" +
				   "1 – Frame ALARM SMOKE\n" +
				   "2 – Frame ALARM CO\n" +
				   "3 – Frame ALARM CO2\n" +
				   "4 – Frame ALARM HEAT\n" +
				   "5 – Frame ALARM WATER\n" +
				   "255 – Control frame BASIC_SET\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param6", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 6 - Type of transmitted control or alarm frame for association group 2." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
				   "0 – Frame ALARM GENERIC\n" +
				   "1 – Frame ALARM SMOKE\n" +
				   "2 – Frame ALARM CO\n" +
				   "3 – Frame ALARM CO2\n" +
				   "4 – Frame ALARM HEAT\n" +
				   "5 – Frame ALARM WATER\n" +
				   "255 – Control frame BASIC_SET\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param7", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 7 - Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when " +
            	   "sent a “switch on” / ”open” command from association group no. 1.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0-99 - Dimming or Opening Percentage\n" +
                   "255 - Last set percentage\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param8", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "255",
            title: "Parameter No. 8 - Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when " +
            	   "sent a “switch on” / ”open” command from association group no. 2.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0-99 - Dimming or Opening Percentage\n" +
                   "255 - Last set percentage\n" +
                   "Default value: 255."

		input name: "param9", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 9 - Deactivating transmission of the frame cancelling the alarm or the " +
				   "control frame deactivating the device (Basic). Disable the alarm cancellation function.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 – Cancellation sent for association group 1 and 2\n" +
				   "1 – Cancellation sent for association group 1 only\n" +
				   "2 – Cancellation sent for association group 2 only\n" +
				   "3 - Not sent for association group 1 or 2\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."

		input name: "param10", type: "number", range: "1..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "20",
            title: "Parameter No. 10 - Interval between successive readings of temperature from all " +
				   "sensors connected to the device. (A reading does not result in sending to ST)\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "1-255 - Seconds between readings\n" +
                   "Default value: 20."

		input name: "param11", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "200",
            title: "Parameter No. 11 - Interval between forcing to send report of the temperature. " +
				   "The forced report is sent immediately after the next temperature reading, " +
				   "irrespective of parameter 12. Advised to be 200 unless rapid temperature changes are expected.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 - Deactivate temperature sending\n" +
                   "1-255 - Seconds between sends\n" +
                   "Default value: 200."

		input name: "param12", type: "number", range: "0..255", required: true, //defaultValue: "8",
            title: "Parameter No. 12 - Insensitiveness to temperature changes. This is the maximum " +
				   "difference between the last reported temperature and the current temperature. " +
				   "If they differ by more than this then a report is sent.\n" +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0-255 - x/16 = temp diff in C\n" +
                   "x/80*9 = temp diff in F\n" +
                   "Default value: 8 (0.5oC)."

		input name: "param13", type: "number", range: "0..3", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 13 - Transmitting the alarm or control frame in “broadcast” mode (i.e. to " +
				   "all devices within range), this information is not repeated by the mesh network." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 - IN1 and IN2 broadcast inactive,\n" +
                   "1 - IN1 broadcast mode active only,\n" +
                   "2 - IN2 broadcast mode active only,\n" +
                   "3 - INI and IN2 broadcast mode active.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."

		input name: "param14", type: "number", range: "0..1", required: true, //defaultValue: "0",
            title: "Parameter No. 14 - Scene activation functionality." +
                   "Available settings:\n" +
                   "0 - Deactivated functionality,\n" +
                   "1 - Activated functionality.\n" +
                   "Default value: 0."

def installed() {
	log.debug "installed()"
    runIn(30, "tempReadRequest")
def updated() {
	log.debug "updated()"
	log.debug "Dont forget to press the button to send config to the device"
    runIn(30, "tempReadRequest")
def uninstalled() {
    log.debug "uninstalled()"

def configure() {
	log.debug "configure()"

def createChildDevices(){
	log.debug "Adding Child Devices if not already added"
    for (i in 1..2) {
    	try {
        	log.debug "Trying to create child switch if it doesn't already exist ${i}"
            def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}"}
            if (currentchild == null) {
            	log.debug "Creating child for ep${i}"
				addChildDevice("smartthings", "Open/Closed Sensor", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}", device.hub.id,
                	[completedSetup: true, name: "${device.displayName} (Contact${i})", isComponent: false]) //, label: "${device.displayName} (Contact${i})"
                /*addChildDevice(deviceHandlerName, "${device.deviceNetworkId}-${deviceName}${deviceNumber}", null,
         			[completedSetup: true, label: "${device.displayName} (${deviceName}${deviceNumber})", 
                	isComponent: false, componentName: "${deviceName}${deviceNumber}", componentLabel: "${deviceName} ${deviceNumber}"])*/
        } catch (e) {
            log.debug "Error adding child ${i}: ${e}"
def createChildTempDevices() {
    log.debug "Creating Temperature children"
    for (i in 1..4) {
    	try {
        	//If we have a temperature reading from this sensor (1 to 4) then try to create a child for it
        	if (device.currentValue("temperature${i}") != null) {
            	log.debug "Have received temperature readings for termperature${i} so creating a child for it if not already there"
                def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-temperature${i}"}
                if (currentchild == null) {
                    addChildDevice("smartthings", "Temperature Sensor", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-temperature${i}", device.hub.id,
                        [completedSetup: true, name: "${device.displayName} (Temp${i})", isComponent: false]) //, label: "${device.displayName} (Temp${i})"
            else {
            	log.debug "No temperature received for temperature${i} so no child will be created" 
        } catch (e) {
            log.debug "Error adding Temperature # ${i} child: ${e}"
private removeChildDevices() {
	log.debug "Removing Child Devices"
    try {
        getChildDevices()?.each {
        	try {
            } catch (e) {
                log.debug "Error deleting ${it.deviceNetworkId}, probably locked into a SmartApp: ${e}"
    } catch (err) {
        log.debug "Either no children exist or error finding child devices for some reason: ${err}"

def parse(String description) {
	def result = null
	def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [ 0x60: 3])
	if (cmd) {
		result = zwaveEvent(cmd)
	log.debug "parsed '$description' to result: ${result}"
	return result

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv1.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
	log.debug("ManufacturerSpecificReport ${cmd.inspect()}")

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
	log.debug("ConfigurationReport ${cmd.inspect()}")

def createEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd, Map item1) { 
	log.debug "manufacturerId:   ${cmd.manufacturerId}"
    log.debug "manufacturerName: ${cmd.manufacturerName}"
    log.debug "productId:        ${cmd.productId}"
    log.debug "productTypeId:    ${cmd.productTypeId}"


def createEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.versionv1.VersionReport cmd, Map item1) {	
    updateDataValue("applicationVersion", "${cmd.applicationVersion}")
    log.debug "applicationVersion:      ${cmd.applicationVersion}"
    log.debug "applicationSubVersion:   ${cmd.applicationSubVersion}"
    log.debug "zWaveLibraryType:        ${cmd.zWaveLibraryType}"
    log.debug "zWaveProtocolVersion:    ${cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion}"
    log.debug "zWaveProtocolSubVersion: ${cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion}"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
	log.debug "BasicSet V1 ${cmd.inspect()}"
    def currentstate
    def motionstate
	if (cmd.value) {
		currentstate = "open"
        motionstate = "inactive"
	} else {
    	currentstate = "closed"
        motionstate = "active"
    createEvent(name: "contact1", value: currentstate, descriptionText: "${device.displayName} is ${currentstate}")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep1"}
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: motionstate)
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: currentstate)
            log.debug "Fibaro is ${motionstate} and ${currentstate}"
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {
	log.debug "ZWaveEvent V3 ${cmd.inspect()}"
	def result
	if (cmd.commandClass == 32) {
        def currentstate
        def motionstate
		if (cmd.parameter == [0]) {
        	currentstate = "closed"
            motionstate = "active"
		if (cmd.parameter == [255]) {
        	currentstate = "open"
            motionstate = "inactive"
        log.debug "ep${cmd.sourceEndPoint} is ${currentstate}"
        //First update tile on this device
        sendEvent(name: "contact${cmd.sourceEndPoint}", value: currentstate, descriptionText: "$device.displayName - ep${cmd.sourceEndPoint} is ${currentstate}")
		//If not null then we have found either ep1 or ep2, hence try to send to the child device aswell
        try {
            def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${cmd.sourceEndPoint}"}
            if (childDevice)
                childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: motionstate)
                childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: currentstate)
        } catch (e) {
            log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"
	else if (cmd.commandClass == 49) {
		if ((cmd.sourceEndPoint >= 3) && (cmd.sourceEndPoint <= 6)) {
			def tempsensorid = cmd.sourceEndPoint - 2
			def tempendpoint = "temperature" + tempsensorid.toString()
            def tempval = ((cmd.parameter[4] * 256) + cmd.parameter[5])
            if (tempval > 32767) {
            	//Here we deal with negative values
            	tempval = tempval - 65536
            //Finally round the temperature
            def tempprocessed = (tempval / 100).toDouble().round(1)
			//def cmdScale = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
			//def tempval = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledSensorValue, cmdScale, cmd.precision).toDouble().round(1)
            log.debug "${tempendpoint} has changed to ${tempprocessed}"
            sendEvent(name: tempendpoint, value: tempprocessed, displayed: true) //unit: getTemperatureScale()
			//If not null then we have found either contact1 or contact2, hence try to send to the child
            try {
                def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-${tempendpoint}"}
                if (childDevice)
                	//We found a child device that matches so send it the new temperature
                    childDevice.sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: tempprocessed)
            } catch (e) {
            	//Not an error message here as people may not want child temperature devices
                log.debug "Couldn't find child ${tempendpoint} device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"
	else {
		//Send them here just in case we want to do more complicated processing (not doing it as need to have endpoint passed and that makes it a bit messy)
		def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x31: 2, 0x60: 3, 0x85: 2, 0x8E: 2, 0x72: 1, 0x70: 1, 0x86: 1, 0x7A: 1, 0xEF: 1, 0x2B: 1]) // can specify command class versions here like in zwave.parse
		log.debug ("Command from endpoint ${cmd.sourceEndPoint}: ${encapsulatedCommand}")
		if (encapsulatedCommand) {
			result = zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCommand)
    return result

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv2.SensorMultilevelReport cmd)
	//This is no longer used as caught in an earlier event, but kept here in case the code is useful
	log.debug "Sensor MultiLevel Report - Sensor Type = ${cmd.sensorType}"
	switch (cmd.sensorType) {
		case 1:
			// temperature
			def cmdScale = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
			def tempval = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(cmd.scaledSensorValue, cmdScale, cmd.precision).toDouble().round(1)
            sendEvent(name: "temperature1", value: tempval, displayed: false) //unit: getTemperatureScale()
    log.debug map

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv1.SensorMultilevelReport cmd) {
    log.debug "SensorMultilevelReport $cmd"

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) {
	// This will capture any commands not handled by other instances of zwaveEvent
	// and is recommended for development so you can see every command the device sends
	log.debug "Catchall reached for cmd: ${cmd.toString()}}"
	return createEvent(descriptionText: "${device.displayName}: ${cmd}")

def updateCurrentParams() {
	log.debug "Sending configuration parameters to device"
    def cmds = []
	cmds << zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationSet(groupingIdentifier:2, nodeId:[zwaveHubNodeId]).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:3, nodeId:[zwaveHubNodeId]).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 1, configurationValue:[param1.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 2, configurationValue:[param2.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 3, configurationValue:[param3.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 4, configurationValue:[param4.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 5, configurationValue:[param5.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 6, configurationValue:[param6.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 7, configurationValue:[param7.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 8, configurationValue:[param8.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 9, configurationValue:[param9.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 10, configurationValue:[param10.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 11, configurationValue:[param11.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 12, configurationValue:[param12.value]).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 13, configurationValue:[param13.value]).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 14, configurationValue:[param14.value]).format()
	delayBetween(cmds, 500)
def listCurrentParams() {
	log.debug "Listing of current parameter settings of ${device.displayName}"
    def cmds = []
	cmds << zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationGet(groupingIdentifier:2).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 3).format()
	cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 1).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 2).format()
   	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 3).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 4).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 5).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 6).format()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 7).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 8).format()
   	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 9).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 10).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 11).format()
   	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 12).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 13).format()
	cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 14).format()
	delayBetween(cmds, 500)

def open1() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact1", value: "open", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (1) is opened manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep1"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to open/inactive"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "inactive")
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "open")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def close1() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact1", value: "closed", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (1) is closed manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep1"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to closed/active"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "active")
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def open2() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact2", value: "open", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (2) is opened manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep2"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to open/inactive"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "inactive")
            childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "open")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def close2() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact2", value: "closed", descriptionText: "$device.displayName (2) is closed manually")
    try {
        def childDevice = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep2"}
        log.debug "Changing child ${childDevice} to closed/active"
        if (childDevice)
        	childDevice.sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "active")
			childDevice.sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed")
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "Couldn't find child device, probably doesn't exist...? Error: ${e}"

def tempReadRequest() {
    def cmds = []
    runIn(30, "tempReadRequest")
    log.debug "tempReadRequest"
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 3))
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 4))
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 5))
	cmds << response(encap(zwave.sensorMultilevelV3.sensorMultilevelGet(), 6))

private encap(cmd, endpoint = null) {
	if (cmd) {
		if (endpoint) {
			cmd = zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelCmdEncap(destinationEndPoint: endpoint).encapsulate(cmd)

		if (zwaveInfo.zw.contains("s")) {
		} else {

If there’s anything else I can do, I will. The UBS has been working for more than a year, with the odd intermittent fault which surfaced when adding more UBSs and more temp probes, so I’m currently of the opinion is was an inadequate PSU issue. I’m right in the middle of re-wiring a few bits now.

When the firmware was updated, I couldn’t do anything to get it working again. Nothing. As can be shown by the gap in reporting (see screenshot, nothing between may 4th when the update was applied and today when it was rectified)…note that the upper figures are todays…

Updated DTH is working for me. I notice it polls every 30 seconds as opposed to the interval you can configure in the settings. Maybe too often for some use cases

Thanks for all the work on this over the last 2 days, Ive been totally snowed under with other things so haven’t had the chance to look at it.
It seems the fixes are two parts, one is to use scene functionality to read the status, and the other is to poll for updates every 30s as opposed to waiting for the UBS to notify of a change.

Seems sensible, and will get this merged in, though from what I can tell the updated firmware is still scheduled to start landing on Tuesday, so hopefully all back to normal then (until ST and Fibaro work on the firmware upgrade process!!)

Hello all,
here the device type updated, starting from cjcharles version.

This includes:

  • Basic report reading. This can help in case the contact status “lose” some events (open/close)
  • Fix for firmware 30.4 (or above) to manage temperature. Just go to settings and enable “Autorefresh” capability (you can also set the time)
  • Managing Scenes. In case you have 30.3 version this is a workaround to fix the contact sensors. (Just set parameter 14 to 1)

Hope this will be useful.

@cjcharles if you would like to update yours, feel free to do. In this way everyone can easyly update from your repo.


you legends! thanks for your hard work Marco & cjcharles =)

From yesterday night my fibaro stopped again to report Endpoint contact num 2.
( keeping the parameter 14 off, so no workaround active) on firmware 30.4

It’s the same also for you? What changed during the last 10 hours?


All good here…

Haven’t set the middle floor up again yet…

Have you two contact sensors on this device and if so are the working ?
Also what firmware are you using ? I am on 30.04.
I can only get sensor 1 working so far. Cheers

The ‘outside’ is actually hooked up to 3 ds18b20 and 2 contact sensors (1 x NO & 1 x NO) for a simple rfid keypad used to arm/disarm Shm. All works at the minute, thankfully. Same firmware as you.

same here.
But if i use my workaround (see my device type some posts above) and u enable parameter 14, u get also contact number 2.


New version of the hub firmware being released to version 0.30.5 tonight.
Z-Wave will accept all incoming Multi-Channel encapsulated messages regardless of the Destination Endpoint value.
Looks like all should work again without mod DHT’s.
Will let you’s know if it works…

I have 30.05 now. I have also moved back to my original DTH and all is well.


Struggling with finding a way in webcore to determine whether the sensors are functional or not. It seems that even if parameter 11 is set to say, 60 seconds, I’m not seeing any activity for sometimes hours regardless. I’m assuming this is happening if there’s no changes in temperature, but Ideally I need to be able to determine if a sensor is actually functional.

Any ideas ? TA

What do you see wen you click the name of the main device then scroll down and click on events?

Should be something like this.
Screenshot 2020-05-20 at 10.16.44

one of the probes is in the air, the other 2 are in water.

probe 2 is in the water and hasn’t been updated for 20 mins (showing 20.4).

I’ve just tried to run the pump, which should show a change in temp, and at this point I’ve noticed that the probe right now isn’t working. But this is a good illustration - it’s currently not working, but I have no idea it’s not working. I only know this because I’ve physically fired up the boiler.

(disclosure - I know why its not working, I was doing some tests last night and it seems it’s down to a PSU that can’t handle it works for a while then randomly gives issues, so I know how to rectify, but… you get the point)

The probes are sending readings so the main sensor is working OK. if the readings are inaccurate then this can be down to cable length, PSU or a fully sensor. Can you double check with a thermometer?

Ah, so perhaps that there is no solution to this problem. I’ll get the system back to being solid again (link, if you’re interested. Fibaro Smart Implant) and I’ll recheck in a few to see how the reports work.

Maybe I’m reading things wrong, but I assumed that the device settings would cause the device to send a temp report either when it changed by x degrees, or alternatively, even if the temp didn’t change then a report could forcefully sent. I cant see why I’m not getting a response for more than say, 20 mins if my settings say to send one regardless every 30 seconds, for example.