[RELEASE] Fibaro FGBS-001 Universal Binary Sensor (UBS)

Hi, has any one issue in adding the Fibaro FGBS-001 UBS to their SmartThing hub, I have already added one last year, but unable to add a second one in the past week. Using a Z-Wave zniffer, it appear to be going through the motions of Inclusion, but does not appear in the App (Old or newest) say this is taken longer than it should but does not pick up my device. It is working ok with a Fibaro Hub. I am guessing it must be something changed on the latest SmartThings Hub firmware upgrade, could it be a Secure mode inclusion issue ?

Are you definitely unpairing from the final hub correctly?

I don’t excited anything has changed with the recent firmware. Are you doing the pairing process with the UBS within a metre or two of the hub?

Hi cjcharles,

Yes I am within a meter of the smartthing hub.
Maybe its just a doggy UBS I got.


What appears in live logging? Is it definitely unpairing from the previous installation? Suggest forcing it to do a remove through the ST interface and then triple clicking the UBS to do the remove.

I have found these a bugger to include/exclude. The little button is not easy to hit and hitting the 3 taps at the right timing its also a challenge. I also found it not necessary to be close to the hub as they don’t include in a secure manner. Keep trying.

Hi all,

Is it just me or are others seen the same problem.
I am no longer able to use the custom Device Handlers that I download from some of you guys on the new SmartThings App. If I edit my device and select a custom Device Handler, I then get an Network or Server error . . . .


I dont think the New ST app has ever worked with custom device handlers very well… You need to use ST Classic app for most things I think.

Have you looked at the new Fibaro Implant which replaces the UBS I believe. There’s no DH available at the moment, but I would think the UBS one is pretty close. Anyone tried adapting it for Implant?

It does indeed look identical in performance, I wonder why have released the update as the additional features are tiny, and you still can’t control the output relays manually. Very strange!

As a result the device handler should be very similar indeed, apart from config, but I would most likely need a device to test with, or some extra time to read their documentation which I can rarely find.

Have other platforms integrated it yet?

I’m not sure what the new features are vs. the UBS. The one I noticed is that it now can control a relay. Some documentation is available here: https://manuals.fibaro.com/content/manuals/en/FGBS-222/FGBS-222-EN-T-v1.0.pdf
I noticed that someone using Home Assistant was using it, but unsure whether it’s an official integration or something the person made himself.
I have a device, but have not worked on making DH’s. Do have a background from coding though.

From graph - Raw Description:
zw:Ls type:0701 mfr:010F prod:0502 model:1000 ver:5.01 zwv:6.02 lib:03 cc:5E,55,98,9F,56,6C,22 sec:25,85,8E,59,86,72,5A,73,5B,31,60,70,71,75,7A role:05 ff:8C00 ui:8C00 epc:7

That looks like direct association, which is not supported by the stock DH’s for the other Fibaro modules.

I’d be super happy if the new app supported the old UBS DH. Any chance to fix that?

The new ST app is a complete disaster if you arent using one of the Samsung stock device handlers sadly - Ive never been able to get any of my integrations to do anything and certainly not reliably so have completely given up on it. If I get forced to use it and there isnt a seamless transition then I think it is time to find another smart home platform!!

As for getting this device handler updated to support both devices I expect it would be quite complex, but this device handler could definitely be modified as a separate device handler for the new Implant. Suggest starting by adding logging to the main parse function so you can easily see exactly what is sent by the Implant, and then modify based on some changes from other online device handlers or the manual.

Agreed the new app is a pain. I have have a bad feeling its going to be forced upon us at some point and I rely on the UBS (and your great DH) for monitoring my pond and a friends swimming pool.

I am trying to setup the smart implant to an IR passive sensor to notified me if anyone enter an open garden shed. The problem I have is the SmartThings hub does a Basic Get every 15 mins, most likely a heartbeat thing. But the implant always send back a Basic Report of “FF” regardless of the states of either IN1 or IN2. I went back to Fibaro support on this and their reply " Further going for Device Type – Sensor Notification, Basic Value MUST be mapped to Notification Status and 0xFF does not return the input state (Event / Value) but means Status = Enabled" So if the sensor is not activated, after 15 mins the ST App will be notifying me that the sensor is open. Anyone else seen similar behaviour.

Hi - Please could someone be good enough to just fill in the blanks for me with the Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor setup?

I simply want the sensor to act as 2 separate binary switches (that are triggered from my alarm, but that side of things is straightforward).

So the switch is installed and appears within Smarthings. I have used the cjcharles0’s device handler for this (as well as trying others).

It’s the 2 child devices that are causing me issue as they never trigger events - instead, the main parent device seems to trigger - but not the children.

I have tried NOT setting device types for the children - and also tried changing the children device types to ‘switches’ and ‘Z-Wave Binary Switch Endpoint’ (and others), but nothing changes. The children either show as Offline, or as sensor endpoints that never have events.

So, given that I simply(!!) want the sensor to act as 2 separate binary switches,Please can someone explain:
1) What device type should I use for the Parent device?
2) What device type should I use for each child device?

Thank you in advance for any help, which is much appreciated.

I suspect you have tinkered too much for this device handler. You should only need to add this device handler, pair the device to ST, change device handler for the device to this one. It should manage everything else (create children after you first save settings) with no other handlers needed.
Maybe try removing completely and start from the beginning

Thanks so much for the fast reply and the info - I will try to do that.

That is actually how its always been setup for the last couple of years (with no handlers for the children) - but not using your handler.

The children have never shown as working however (on the other handler), but since I was just using it as a single switch the parent has always reacted correctly to the input from my alarm system, so I just left it working like this.

I now need the second switch - hence trying your handler. So yes, it has had a lot of tinkering with different handlers recently. I will remove and add again as per your advice and cross my fingers.

Thanks again - and for creating the handler!

Removing and starting again with your handler worked a treat - thank you so much for the help.

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Okay I spoke too soon - not really sure what’s going on here at all.

The switch has been freshly installed/added to ST and it shows (online in ST via browser) as being a switch with 2 child items - Contact1 and Contact2. They both show activity which they have never done before (they are connected to my home alarm and the activity is as expected).

When I use the ST App on my phone to add an automation, it’s as though Contact1 and Contact2 do not exist. The only option I have when creating an automation is to select the Parent switch. When I select this, the “select condition” page appears and gives me an option for “Temperature” - not switches as expected.

Am I missing something - this is driving me nuts? Again, appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

Youre probably just looking by the wrong device type. I thought Contact was the correct option to pick, but perhaps switch or something similar would show these new child devices.