In the past, I’ve used smartthings to do very basic stuff - control a couple of plugs in the garden and a light bulb or two in the house, nothing much at all.
About 3 weeks ago, I got a family hub fridge (and I love the fridge and especially the tablet and what it does/should do).
About a week ago I got the fancy microwave from Samsung as well, and honestly, even without smartthings integrations, the microwave stands on it’s own - convection cooking, air frying, etc - great appliance.
So - I’m pretty excited with getting everything all wrapped up together and I am set to jump into controlling everything I can think of, smart 'wise.
First question I have - a real hub (Aeotec will be delivered today), I suspect will give me a better experience than trying to use the so called smartthings hub that the fridge supplies? I’ve already discovered, that while the fridge hub claims to be Z-wave compatible, it does not in fact have that ability… also, features on the ring doorbell (2nd gen) also quit working after 3 or 4 days.
The microwave, while seen by the fridge’s hub, you can’t do anything with the connection - constantly says it needs to download an add-on, and it immediately fails everytime.
With the new hub coming today, I am pondering if I should just delete everything from the fridge and “turn off” the smart hub on it, and reload everything to the Aeotec hub? I think overall, I will get better performance that way?
Also, wondering if anyone here has a family hub fridge and a smart microwave? Am I missing something on what the available integration should be between the two? I expect the fridge to be able to at least show me details of what the microwave is doing as well as be able to start and stop the microwave from the fridge.
Fridge - RF32CG5900SRAA
Microwave - MC17T8000CS
I have contacted Samsung support several times already (Ring features, micro/fridge integration, Google calendar issues) and as you probably know, their help was not very promising (power cycle, reset, remove network and add back, etc, followed with a “I’ll escalate this to the support team so they can investigate”).
I guess, I was expecting the experience to run a little smoother on everything "Smart"things…
Edit: maybe I should add, while I am now retired, I was a networking professional for over 25 years, desktop integrations, network engineer, etc… all this kind of stuff is not foreign to me. On one hand, I understand the complexity of this stuff, but on the other hand, I think it should work a little better…