Question about MOES Matter Hub

I am wondering about buying the matter hub, zigbee floor termostat and switches (see pictures)

And I am wondering if I will get these in smartthings app when I connect matter hub to smartthings hub? Wil it work?

Read the following thread. While most Tuya devices pair and work with the hub, many don’t show up or work in SmartThings.

Tuya devices with displays tend to use EF00 clusters and I had no luck getting EF00 cluster devices to show up in ST via this bridge.

I also tried a Zeimsmart (Tuya) 6 button remote. It paired with the Gateway but didn’t show up in ST.

Also you will probably need to get Tuya to push you a firmware update to get the bridge working properly.


I bought same Moes hub to integrate w st. because it said it was matter to ST… i bought it because most zigbee devices i can find (easily on Amazon) are “TUYA” or it arrives and in small print it says “tuya”!! ug. I did the link thing with Moes/ST and paired 2 devices in Moes but they dont show in ST… Is there a good inexpensive zigbee manufacturer with multi button switches? i bought Hubitat too so i can start doing more complex scenes. Hubitat shows zigbee “thing”, ug. This used to be simple, buy zigbee- connect- done…


  1. Did you connect the Moes Matter Gateway to SmartThings using Matter?

  2. Did your Moes Matter Gateway show up in SmartThings? It will probably be in the room with your SmartThings hub.

  3. If the see the Moes Gateway in SmartThings try rebooting your SmartThings hub. That is how you get new devices from the Gateway to show up in SmartThings. I have also read that if you wait overnight they will show up.

  4. What devices do you have connected to the Moes Gateway? Only some Tuya devices connected to the Gateway show up in SmartThings. Non-Tuya devices generally don’t work.

  5. What is the Tuya Firmware level on your Moes Gateway?


i went back and connected the moes hub via matter to ST, rebooted both ST and Moes hub, now moes devices show in ST… i put a routine into ST to use the 3 button switch 1 press (in moes hub and shown in ST) but it doesnt do anything

i originally just added moes as a device in ST…

when i scan device barcode it brings me to Tuya Smartlife web page

I don’t have any bridged Tuya ZigBee to Matter buttons, so I don’t know how they are working.

I have not had any problems with automations using bridged Tuya ZigBee to Matter Devices.

While I tested quite a few devices on the Moes Gateway, most were removed after testing. Currently my active devices on the Moes Gateway are in-wall relays and temperature sensors.

I you Tuya devices work as expected connected directly to the ST hub there is no reason to transfer them to the Moes Gateway.

I have not scanned any Tuya device barcodes, so don’t know how that works. But what you are saying makes sense.

devices in ST show “standby” and in ST history only showed history when originally installed. they dont show any additional button presses

Standby is normally how buttons are displayed in ST because they are stateless.

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You only need to reboot the ST hub to get the Moe’s bridged devices to show up in ST. There is no need to reboot the Moes Gateway.

thanks, any ideas as why (tuya “zigbee proprietary” connected via Moes connected to ST via matter now) switches show up in ST but dont do anything? I programmed routine in ST like any other device I have “thirdreality” one button zigbee switch (non proprietary zigbee) and it connected straight to ST works great. But i was hoping top find a 3 or 4 button device that is non-propiatary zigbee. Do you know of any?

also… the moes switches in ST show “toggle down press” “held down” and “toggle up press” , a bunch of things but this 3 scene switch only has a button on the bottom of the paddle…

15 posts were split to a new topic: Wireless Switches that Work with SmartThings?

thanks, im reading the link u gave me. as far as matter, no, the devices from tuya werent matter, i was just comenting that i love the matter devices i have, they work great.

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I started with X-10 40 years ago and a radio shack 64k color computer with the “Homecontrol” interface…

I also started with X10 many years ago. When my X10 controller died I switched to SmartThings.

i moved and didnt use home automation for about 10 years. then i got a WINK hub because it supported zwave, zugbee, and a bunch of other stuff and had a interface my wife could use, thenk wink got bought out and went downhill… then i got the ST hub. but then i wanted more complex control and got a Hubutat and havent had much luck with it… got any ideas for a control system that is easy to program? Im a controls guy but thats industrial stuff…