Need a login ID and tank ID. I’ll make a setup in next version to derive from username and password. For now you get them from here:
Once you have the code imported you should be able to add it from MarketPlace -> SmartApps -> My Apps -> Propane Tank Monitor. It should prompt for the token and device id upon install, but if not you can find these under settings:
When I try and paste the code into a smart app in the IDE I get an error message:
No signature of method: script_app_metadata_789e7bf0_cbde_4766_be0e_f3311755af91.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script_app_metadata_789e7bf0_cbde_4766_be0e_f3311755af91$_run_closure2) values: [script_app_metadata_789e7bf0_cbde_4766_be0e_f3311755af91$_run_closure2@172f7865] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)
However it compiles fine as a device handler. I assume I want a smart app for this all to work correctly or maybe that is an incorrect assumption.
so I guess a few questions:
am I missing something about installing a device handler as a smart app? or do I need to do something differently? the app that comes with the tank utility works fine, but i’d like everything in one place.
do I need to make any edits or change some steps to get this working as a smart app?
I see that several of you have it working so I’m thinking this is due to my limited knowledge with working with custom apps.
Devicehandler is all that you need. I’m new at this too and haven’t gotten a chance to improve this yet, but it’ll show up as a “thing” so you can keep an eye on it. I think a smartapp will be required to make this useful for various actions. Not sure what you’d want it to do though, maybe shut off some appliances if it gets too low. My propane provider charges an inspection fee if you go to zero because they assume you have a leak. So maybe an automation to prevent that would be useful.
I’m loving my Tank Utility, it saved me from having to trek daily through a foot a snow during the recent snow storms. Thanks Bowood for building a device handler!
I did a little tweaking of Bowood’s code (basically changed everything that said level to energy) so I could use the device handler’s “energy” variable in webCoRe. Now I have a piston that can check the level daily and send me the current reading via email and text on Mondays. It will also text me when the level gets below 30%. My next piston will be to check the propane level mid summer and remind me to order propane for the winter and how many gallons I currently need to fill the tank.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out webCoRe, here is the link to their introduction page:
I’m going to get setup with this system because of the API @tankutility posted as well as the work you’ve done so far (@JosephNY). If you can’t figure ST integration by the time mine is installed I’ll certainly help out!
So, I am either confused or incompetent (bets on both?). I have copied the code into IDE Device Handlers and published it. It shows up in IDE next to other Device Handlers. But, when I go into my ST app, I dont see it in Marketplace --> SmartApps --> My Apps, nor can I see it when I try to add a thing.
My device is working and connected to the Tank Utility App, so I know that isnt the problem
Nevermind! I figured it out. I needed to add the device in IDE, not in the app on my phone. I have it in and working. Now I need to figure out what to do with it…
Well it’s 2021 and the Tank Utility app sucks. I bought the monitor and spent several days trying to get it to work. It won’t work with Android 9 for one and the software hasn’t been updated I guess since it came out. They expect you to use a wifi network with NO password which isn’t going to happen. Buyer’s beware!!
Hi everyone. Our company has an ultrasonic sensor that is designed for LPG level monitoring, it’s non-invasive, easy to install. It has been used by many customers, and its performance is really good.
If everyone is interested in it, pls kindly contact me. My email address is Tel is 86 180 3803 1719. Thank you.
@tankutility Any further integration with Tank Utility and Smartthings? Last posts were from a while ago. It seems this would be a great solution, especially since Tank Utility is also partnered with Generac now!