New LP Tank Monitoring Device

Greetings! I am looking for feedback. I have already created a simple prototype that works with my LP tank but is only a proof of concept. I am looking to build a next gen prototype that is compatible out of the box. I would like all of your input. The devices will all deliver data back to a central system then be available from a rest interface. I am looking for investors. Check out our project here. Please leave comments. I would love to hear your thoughts here or on kickstarter.

First, if you want people to take you seriously, you have to use believable timelines. There’s absolutely no way you could have any project associated with a propane tank certified for distribution in six months. Or for commercial distribution in less than a year.

Second, there are multiple devices on the market already that do just this. What’s the advantage of yours?

If you really want to attract investors, you have to have a detailed business plan, Including how you will address any regulatory requirements. And of course an evaluation of your competition.

There’s just not enough information on your draft page to evaluate what’s there. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, I’m just saying there’s no way to tell yet.


BTW, The name you have chosen is a previously registered trademark for a WiFi remote tank monitoring system. It has been allowed to lapse, but that doesn’t mean it’s not in use, it may just mean they decided it wasn’t worth the trouble to maintain the federal paperwork. They may still have commonlaw rights in the name.


Have you done a clearance search? That’s particularly important if you are asking for outside investment.

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Good lord. No I didnt see that. Its in prototype phase right now. Thanks for the heads up.

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What ever came of this? I am looking for a propane tank monitor, it seems that each thread with LP Monitor or Propane Monitor, seems to go quiet. It would be awesome to create automations/routines around this, so it would automatically notify when getting low.