Problems with Mobile and Life360 Presence sensors

Both my (Android) mobile Presence and Life360 (Connect) devices have been acting up over the past few days. For no known reason both will report they are away. The mobile Presence, however, tends to return in a minute or less. The Life360 (connect) however will remain away even though the actual Life 360 mobile app shows as being home. Only way I can get Life360(Connect) to return from “away” is to open the Life360 (Connect) smartapp and click the “Done” button. Immediately, it too shows as arriving at home.

Here is an excerpt of my EventGhost logging these strange events

2016-06-09 15:26:05; EVENT: HTTP.ST.Cor Dikland’s Android.presence.not present
2016-06-09 15:26:07; EVENT: HTTP.ST.Cor Life360.presence.not present
2016-06-09 15:26:07; EVENT: HTTP.ST.VP-AllPresences.presence.not present
2016-06-09 15:26:09; INFO: **********************************************************************************************************
2016-06-09 15:26:09; INFO: **************************************** All Devices are Away ****************************************
2016-06-09 15:26:09; INFO: **********************************************************************************************************

2016-06-09 15:27:01; EVENT: HTTP.ST.Cor Dikland’s Android.presence.present

2016-06-09 15:44:42; EVENT: HTTP.ST.Cor Life360.presence.updated
2016-06-09 15:44:42; EVENT: HTTP.ST.Cor Life360.presence.present

Anyone else having these problems??




I don’t think the first two posts apply to my case (not an issue with slow updating) however the third “Recent presence glitches” certainly sound similar. I may not have left the house for hours/days and suddenly my Mobile and Life360 decide they had enough and leave. Only one, the mobile, comes back willingly

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My wife’s phone showed her coming home after work and then about an hour later, showed her away and she never left.


Interesting… I just checked back on my logs. Again, very similar situation. The last 2 times this problem popped up occurred about 45 minutes after I came home from shopping. And, yes, when I really left and came home, the sensors reported correctly. But like in your wife’s case, sometime after that, my mobile and Life360 left.

Initially I did not see a pattern but now I am beginning to wonder. Does this problem only occur sometime after we actually leave/return???

Not sure but this is getting worse

Today my wife came home and her presence currently shows present, however in the recent log is says her last activity she came home last night at 7:56, when in fact is not the case, she actually left to house sit next door, it doesn’t show her coming or going

When she came home today it didn’t trigger my mode change so we got a bunch of false alarms

Clearly not working well right now


Yeah mine too is acting up for my wife’s phone, says she keeps arriving when she is home.

Is it getting better for anyone? Well not for me, we come and go with no change

Anyway to refresh or jump start this again?

Android 6.0.1 (Samsung S6 and Note 5)

Thanks, Rick

I don’t think any presence sensors are working right now.

Yup, none working here either.

Nothing is working/available. Im flat-lined across the board. App says Error loading Dashboard, the Smartthings Hub Control just sits on a blank screen. Everything was working smoothly. It must be all the people loading CoRE Beta. LOL

App can’t access anything, but some of my routines/apps are firing. The ST app is crashing on every screen. I noticed some changes in the app. Was this an update that didn’t get tested? WTH

So I’m not talking about now, yes it’s down and has been most of the day…

My issue is both my phone and my wifes say we arrived on 6/8 and have never left. I found last night that neither device was assigned to a hub when it was before and was certainly working before. I reassigned it to my hub with hope in one hand and you know what in the other, well guess which one I am stuck with.

Is there a way to refresh it/kickstart it… or should I just delete them both when ST comes back online?
