Problems with Alexa

Hi, I’m new here.
Yesterday I got my first Smartthings hub (v3) and, initially, I tested it with my devices and Alexa.
All worked fine, ST connected to Alexa and Alexa (via ST skill) shows ST hub into devices list.
Then I proceed to RESET ST hub because I wanted to cancel all my test and set the hub from scratch.
Now Alexa can’t find ST HUB: the hub is connected ethernet to router, Alexa has ST skill active, ST gave permission to ALEXA, but it didn’t work.
ST hub alone works fine. What is wrong??


You need to disconnect the service in the SmartThings app.

Settings/Connected services

Remove the ST skill from Alexa as well and start from scratch.

Otherwise, why would you reset the Hub if you successfully added the devices?


Thanks for reply.
I have already disconnected Alexa from the “connected services” in the ST app, still don’t work,
Also for ST skill, removed but nothing.

I’ll start from scratch because I recently changed home

Look at here, you might would find some useful things there,