(Pre-Subcategory creation) Deals/Sales/Coupons/Pricing

Yeh…He or she wants a script installed. No Way! You 1st.

Got a Wink Flood Bulb for ~$9.50 on clearance at Home Depot & it was already labeled $11. Score.


Just dropped by the Home Depot @ 40 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10010
TREASURE Trove of Stuff:

Happy Hunting!

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Bloomsky is on sale http://shop.bloomsky.com/products-list/solar-powered-weather-station. Just note that it is likely to reduce inventory before their second gen products come out later this year.

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Did these outlets work with ST ?

Just A FYI the new smartthing v2 hub is on sale on amazon for 79.00 + free shipping

V3 is coming :slight_smile:

Really?!?! :imp:

When is it coming cannot find any info on it

This is how rumors start :slight_smile:


I think all of the SmartThings stuff is on sale at Amazon.

Hub - $79.99
Multi-Purpose Sensor - $30.02
Motion Sensor - $31.99
Outlet - $43.99
Water Leak Sensor - $31.99
Home Monitoring Kit - $199.99

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What is the diffetent between v1 and v2? How to transfer all your settings and devices to the new hub?

The V2 has some upgraded internals. It is supposed to provided for more local processing though this doesn’t appear to be exploited to its potential so far.

The bad news is there is no method for transferring from v1 to v2, you basically have to start over. A migration tool is promised but with no ETA.

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Hi @April,

Can you chime in on this? Is ST Hub V2 going to be replaced with a V3? Or is Samsung finally pulling support on the original ST hubs and going with the full Samsung brand of ST hub device?

Could someone point me to where I get all the deal posts now? It used to be all in one place on this post but now I rarely see any posts here.

There is a Deals link right at the top of this page.

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Great! So does that mean I have to go to separate posts for every deal type? Wasn’t it better to have all the deals in one post rather than hunting them all around in the forum? If I subscribe to all those categories then it will be more emails coming to my inbox which I think defeats the purpose of creating subcategories and reducing spam.

Don’t take this as an insult to anyone, but whoever came up with the ideas of subcategories had too much free time on there hand.


Not sure how well known the feature is, but you can append .rss to most Discourse URLs and get a handy RSS feed for those of us still using that :slight_smile: It spares my inbox from the deluge of deals emails.


(for some reason this doesn’t work when I click it, but works fine if I copy and paste it…)


No, there is a way to subsribe to all new topics in this section. That will send you an email if something new is created. Then if you are not interested in this particular deal topic you can unfollow it and won’t get emails for it.

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