(Pre-Subcategory creation) Deals/Sales/Coupons/Pricing

…and there it is, full-circle.
It’s times like this when ya know the thread is working lol


call they ship quick

Lowes just doesn’t like me only showing the DWS901 ( old ones ?) for $9. New contact sensors are $23 even choosing Chelsea NY store

It does shoe 20% of the 3326-L Iris Motion for $24. Is that the new one ? Or is the 120* PIR the new one that works ?

I had the same issue after revisiting the page it worked, try incognito mode in Chrome


This same store in NY (Chelsea) has the Iris Home Security Pack on sale for 78.86. This is 2 of the contact sensors, motion, and keypad. Normal price is just under $100.

Not a GREAT deal, but still better than normal retail.

HI @bamarayne, some user haa confirmed the jongo works with generic media renderer

Finally got it to go through. 6 contact and 2 motion for $110. Centralites for the price of 2Gig/GoControl :smile_cat:

Wife’s going to kill me LOL


Was able to cancel the order in time…need to stay away from the thread…lol


pretty much same here lol

Wife: I can’t believe you bought more stuff we dont need it
Me: But baby there was a sale, like the one yesterday

1 week later

Wife: I love this thing and now I want more!
Me: Don’t get mad I have something else coming that you might like!


Are the contact sensors waterproof or at least we can water proof? I thought about installing it on a wooden side door (where we take the trash out).

I little silicone never killed anybody :wink:

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Just got 6 of the Iris sensors! Thanks to those that posted that deal!!! :-)grin:

Yup that was the response to the new RGBW lights in the kitchen cans.
Then I showed her how I linked them to ST and Nest Protect, now they flash red for smoke/fire. yellow for CO2, and Blue for cellar freezing. Explained how I did NOT pay $47ec HD matched Lowe’s sale +10% so only $17each and then I had my $25 off $200 coupon and she still gets 10% back in free gas.

ooo I hear a UPS truck, gotta go


Okay I have to ask. Since all these PIR and contact sensors report temperature. Has anybody ( smarter than me ) devised a way to put them to use and make a poor man’s Ecobee ?

Thanks folks. In for 8 from two stores for just over 100.

That lowes (ny) has the 4 button and care pendants discounted too. I got a couple of those instead of door sensors, since I have quite a few extra from the last home depot raid. :wink:

Do those (the pendant and button) actually work well?
Sorry…haven’t actually read this thread to find out yet, but the reviews on the Lowe’s site are BAD.
Is that just because they don’t know how to use them?

I experiment a lot, I havent bought anything zwave or zigbee that needs to be thrown away. Many things just reqire a little tweaking. I know @mitchp is working on drivers for some of these. He seems pretty sharp, so i want to try them out.

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Wow, 59 unread posts just from earlier today.

Woohoo! Thanks for the heads up on the Iris contact sensors! Bought two. Great deal… and a coworker bought 6.