There are enough smart power plugs/outlets that have a wattage use meter, but i can’t find them where i can get current wattage usage and use it to make a command. For example if power usage exceeds 500w, then turn on device x.
Could this be made? Unfortunately not a coder myself…
EDIT: I wouldn’t mind purchasing a device where this works…But feel it has to be custom code to allow this. Then i’d buy the device where this custom code exists.
Yeah the Meross cloud integration doesn’t expose any of the monitoring. There are both zwave and zigbee plugs that offer monitoring. Or other WiFi plugs that can run locally and may expose power (TP-Link perhaps).
thanks a lot. its also purchasable in germany. However i would then require 2 adapters…one going to UK, then from the adapter to normal again. If nothing else works i will buy it though, thanks again
cool update. I still have a peanut plug that I stopped using years ago, because ST did not report power capability. Great name, easy to remember, and crippled!
The power reporting issue was not due to ST, but to the device itself. You have to update the Peanut’s firmware using an Almond hub/router. Once that’s done the power reporting works fine.
I believe @Mariano_Colmenarejo is in Europe and has written many Zigbee drivers, so he probably knows a good Zigbee socket with power reporting available in Germany
Note that it’s not just power reporting. using it as a IF for a routine is what i’m after
I bought two z-wave plugs today, they arrive tommorow. It’s on amazon so if they don’t work as intended i can ship them back. if they work i keep the better one