Platform running slow

Well I fixed it, but that was a pain in the ass.

I had to remove the devices from my hub, remove the batteries from the sensors (because the hub wasn’t able to see them for some reason). Once I put the hub into discovery mode and popped the batteries back in, they came back online.

Hopefully this helps someone else who had the same issue.

Last night at about 19:00 PST I could not get the kitchen lights to turn on with motion no matter what I did. Everything else worked fine but there was a delay in the bathroom and entrance hall. Kitchen started working again later that evening with no intervention from me.

@all We have updated the status page to reflect the peak-time performance issues with schedule events. Please keep up to date here:

Just fyi, this is part of the log from an application which uses a scheduled event:
schedule(“0 0/3 * * * ?”, processQueue)

42fced03-cfda-4259-b705-53f75938c2a4 10:11:43 PM: debug processQueue
42fced03-cfda-4259-b705-53f75938c2a4 9:57:42 PM: debug processQueue 

For about 14 minutes, no “processQueue” event has been received - even if they are supposed to be fired every 3 minutes. I’ve been monitoring the behavior of this application today for unrelated reasons; and the amount of time which passes between one processQueue activation and another would make any random number generator envious…

The issue that I have been facing for a day or two is dashboard is very slow in reflecting the correct status after an action. Like I turn off all lights and when i look at the lights and switches tile, I still see a couple of them still on and slowly in a couple of minutes time frame, it either resolves to the correct state or remains stuck at where some lights are still on even thought is is not. Working with @tyler on this one.

I think it is the “updating summary for lights and switches” which I see in extra debugging mode is probably slow or not happening. My wild guess.

me too I figured it my iphone. I just have to manually pull down to refresh it

Definitely something going on somewhere. I walked into the bathroom last night (about 20:00 PST) and the hallway light triggered immediately but the associated bathroom light left me standing there for 5 seconds in the dark. Good thing I can pee in the dark. :smile:

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Just sent an official howdy to the ST support team. At 16:35 PST I went downstairs and stood there in the dark for over a minute waiting for 2 lights to come on. One finally did, the other one pulled an Elvis and left the building.

interestingly the platform status shows operational and no incidents. I wonder why only some users face the issue and not others. Are there multiple instances of the platform? @bflorian care to share your thoughts here?

@Ben on the platform status page it shows no incidents reported today, how does one report an incident?
E.g. since yesterday my good morning phrases are not running (others are but good morning isn’t)

The alarm went off when my spouse opened the balcony door in the morning so I need to fix this fast :smile:
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’ve set the good morning to 7:32am (kept away from the half hour mark to avoid this issue but it isn’t running at all)

The platform hasn’t been firing ANY timers since this evening, it hasn’t run good night, the timers for the thermostat didn’t fire. Nada, nothing! Anyone else facing an issue? I’m getting kinda frustrated here - pretty basic stuff.

Yes, almost all my timers died this night; I had to refresh all applications to get things going again.
It looks like a major meltdown happened during the night…

This is what I see on the platform status:

I don’t think the engineering team has a clue as to what’s really going on. Think I may have invest more time on this than I should have. Clearly they aren’t ready for mass market.

Past Incidents
Jan 5, 2015
No incidents reported today.
Jan 4, 2015
No incidents reported.

They probably don’t unless someone notifies Squeaky wheel gets the grease. :smile:

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Definitely true. One has to remember that the forum is peer support not platform support. We miss that concept a lot from what I read. Everyone needs to create a ticket EVERY time they have an issue. Then, tap the board for quick peer fixes and feedback while you wait for an official response.


So I contacted support and they pushed a new firmware to my hub saying that could be the reason the events didn’t fire. This was their response to my question on why would a firmware update is required for schedules being missed?

The firmware upgrade had some improvements on LAN and ZW functionality. I did think it could be potentially useful as the commands are being sent it’s just possible they may not be actually executing from the devices. You are correct that schedules are stored and executed via the cloud.

I also noticed that my timers died that night. Will contact support for the new firmware in case it’s actually relevant. Thanks.

I’m looking into joining the ST ecosystem - esp now that Samsung is backing it. I’m waiting for the V2 hub due out soon. But in doing my due diligence first - I just don’t understand the “platform status” page. As seen below as of today 3/22/15. There’s a large banner indicating processing delays dated 11/26. Then in the list of potential performance areas it indicates that there are delays to schedules apps. But then further below it indicates no incidents for today. Is this page accurate? Updated? Am I reading it wrong? It seems to contradict itself. Insight into this from experienced users would be appreciated.


Delays on Scheduled Actions Subscribe
Identified - SmartThings is currently experiencing delays in the processing of scheduled actions during a few peak times (including sunrise and sunset) across all continental US timezones. The engineering team is working on a solution to this issue.
Nov 26, 17:53 EDT

Scheduled SmartApps ? Degraded Performance

Past Incidents
Mar 22, 2015
No incidents reported today.