New here. Where do I go to get help with a samsung APP?
Can you provide more info? which version of SmartThings app is installed? Which version of windows? What type of help are you looking for? the more info you provide can help other community members with assisting you.
If This is about a Samsung smart television, you might also get quicker answers in the official Samsung support forum.
This forum was set up a number of years ago so that customers could help other customers with the Samsung SmartThings Home Automation platform. Since then, some of the other Samsung smart features have been folded into the SmartThings app. But we’re still all just customers here.
The official support forum has designated moderators and more information about Samsung devices.
So of course, you’re welcome here, but it might be worth trying over there as well.
I’m in the wrong place. Thanks anyway!
I don’t think this is where I need to be so thanks anyway.