Hello, I’m thinking about purchasing the osram lightify Strip and then the Garden Spot Lights. Do i need to purchase the Wireless Gateway bridge or will my ST hub surfice?
Osram Gateway is only needed for firmware updates. Otherwise ST does it all. BTW, you only benefit from some of the firmware updates if it’s attached to the Osram Gateway (some settings get overwritten when attached to ST - don’t know why, but that’s the way it works).
I believe you can use a wemo link (aka gateway/bridge) too since the those lights you mentioned are compatible with wemo.
Thanks, so I will only Purchase the Lights.
Will i have a better intergration with Wemo?
The lights will integrate the same with Smartthings no matter what gate way you use for firmware updates.
The gateway’s value is minimal since most of the gains from the firmware updates are lost when added back to ST. I have both gateways. Osram has more features, but meaningless since the bulbs are attached to ST.
Thank you for the input.