On/off: 0 Messages in Event Logs

Starting around 3:30am last night I am seeing numerous new events logged in the event logs which I have never before seen. I see nothing else new, just the on/off messages.

They are not associated with any device and appear to be occuring abour every 4 minutes.

on/off: 0
Name	Value
archivable	true
date	2017-12-13 1:33:07.019 PM EST (2017-12-13T18:33:07.019Z)
description	on/off: 0
displayed	false
eventSource	HUB
hubId	xxxxx
id	100b59b0-e034-11e7-90d5-12fb56cef9b0
isStateChange	false
isVirtualHub	false
linkText	Home Hub
locationId	xxxx
name	on/off: 0
rawDescription	on/off: 0
translatable	false
unixTime	1513189987019
value	on/off: 0
viewed	false

Anyone else seeing this?

mine looks normal :man_shrugging: