[OBSOLETE] TaHoma® by Somfy

I use a drive for a Somfy 800 IO garage door, I would like to connect it to the Smartthings hub, tell me what I need to do this?

I’m using a Somfy Tahoma box: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01DQ6P0YK/

I would like to avoid the use of consecutive gates to connect and limit myself to min. I found such a device supported by Smartthing but it works on WIFI and I’m looking for something on Zigbee.

Are you sure this controller supports Zigbee? Check before you buy anything. You may find a Somfy IO to Zigbee adapter if you don’t want an IO hub. I know Z-Wave adapters exist, i.e. Z-Wave Integration for Blinds, Shades, Awnings and More

Hello there!
I got myself outdoor blinds with somfy IO motors and TaHoma Switch to hopefully connect it to my Smartthings network. After following the @jbtibor installation guide I got stuck on last step: * In mobile app open Marketplace → SmartApps → My Apps, tap TaHoma® by Somfy and follow instructions.
I get that it’s the Smartthings Classic app which I found even the APK, but I can’t log into it and the new Smartthings app doesn’t support TaHoma by Somfy.
Anyone of help please?

I bought this module:
and it works cool, I just need to add a gate opening / closing sensor, there are also those with sensors but for WIFI and I was looking for zigbee.

As I recall, the Somfy-ST integration works but only in US, is there any way to trick Tahoma so I can use the North America app and ultimately control through ST?

Replying for update, does anyone have any idea how I can login to tahomalink.com to at least see what’s happening?
Is it a problem that I have TaHoma Switch and not the older big TaHoma?
Why people at Somfy don’t know anything and why there is no real support in EU with Somfy being from FRA?:frowning:

With Groovy being shut down all smartapps including this app. Anybody knows how I can have my Tahoma blinds works with the new smartthings integration ?

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I dived into the API which is locally accessible on Tahoma… it’s not super complicated but takes some time. Then I used the driver in this thread to make the GET requests for “up”, “down”, “pause”. Next I made a virtual device for each shutter using this virtual device creator (used the “window shade” device type).

The API documentation and how to activate it are here.

Another option, that I discovered later is to use Home Assistant, which can be installed on a local machine, and some NAS devices actually have it included (Synology, Amber, etc). I ended up getting an Amber and realized it came with Home Assistant after I did all the work, but with Home Assistant it has a built-in integration that works great.

So either you’ll spend some time creating quasi virtual blinds, with tedious REST API commands (not so hard just takes time), or spend about $250 on a NAS with Home Assistant built-in… or end up doing what I did and do both by accident :rofl: but I’m happy with it all, much better than the old DTH.

Far too complex for me Im afraid, I got into smartthings because It was easier to use than other platforms. Do you think there is any chance that we Will get tahoma back integranted into the new smartthings thing?

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I am still waiting for Somfy to do anything new or even reply. Also Matter is still not popping up, maybe that will propell things forward?

If and when the IFTTT integration starts working again you can create scenarios in Tahoma (i.e. blind up, blind down) and use them in SmartThings triggers.
ST doesn’t seem to rush with IFTTT so don’t have high hopes.

Right now Im kind of doing that with routines in Google home. It kind of works but its not nearly as handy as It was before