[OBSOLETE] Lock Manager

Hi Lock Manager people! I have used the old Lock Code Manager and the new Lock Manger for a while and really like it. Thank you Erik and all those who answer questions here.

I recently entered a new user code with calendar times for the code and while doing so received the message “you are not authorized to perform the requested operation.”

At that point I was no longer able to do anything further with the code. When I tapped on the name, nothing happened. I refreshed the lock data but was still not able to open this code. I was able to open other codes in my list.

After some exploration, I was able to force delete the user code it from the IDE and re-enter it successfully.

I then updated the apps and device handler to the most recent code.

Two things are on my mind that I would appreciate your feedback about:

  1. under the lock manager, locks, I see my list of codes. under the slots that are not currently used, I see the message “pending refresh.” Why do I see this?

  2. The current version of the lock manager apps does not offer the option to refresh lock data as did the prior versions. Because some of the slots in my list are pending refresh, I’d like the to refresh. Any thoughts?

  3. When I enter a new user now–following the update, when I am asked to select a slot, now all the slots are offered as selections, including ones who are already taken up by my list of users. I recalled the previous versions only offered the open slots at this point in the code creation process.

Thanks so much in advance for any ideas about refreshing the lock data.


Where can I find the details of optional Keypad Routines? Like, what does ARM/AWAY, ARM/STAY, etc. mean?

Also, I didn’t see a way to alter the AUTOLOCK feature. I’d like to set up automation so that if my current ST mode = AWAY, then set AUTO LOCK to ON, so that I don’t have worry about any guests while I’m away (cat-sitter, etc.) forgetting to lock the door when they leave. However, when my current ST mode is anything other than AWAY, I want AUTO LOCK to be set to OFF.

Appreciate any direction on this… Thanks!

What lock do you have? There are a few locks that support changing this mode, but other locks are physical jumper switches that cannot be changed through a zwave message.

ARM/AWAY, ARM/STAY are security alarm modes meant to secure your home in different ways. Arm/Stay generally means people are in the house, but to notify/alert you if a door or window opens unexpectantly. Arm/Away generally means that more sensors are valid for triggering the alert modes, such as indoor motion sensors.

These options are meant for KEYPADS ONLY. So don’t use that app if you don’t have a keypad.

But Erik, my lock has a keypad on it.

Yeah, my car has a radio in it too but I don’t call my car ‘a radio.’

Keypads function differently from locks in that they send actual code entries to the hub for validation instead of doing validation on their internal interface. Keypads are stand-alone devices.

EDIT: I’ll add the feature to my TODO list, but I think you could achieve this using the CoRE app very easily.

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I have several of the “Schlage Z-Wave Connect Camelot Touchscreen Deadbolt with Built-In Alarm, BE469 CAM 716”.

Thanks for adding to your TODO list. It would be great to have this functionality native in the app. Meanwhile, I’ll see what I can figure out in CoRE… But I’d still need to know what attribute to set on the keypad, I think?


Hi Erik,

I have a ‘BE469NX’ lock and I installed your ‘Lock Manager App’. All seems well, except I am wondering why on the device page I have "Auto Lock Loading…’ and ‘Lock & Leave Loading’ stay at loading forever. IS this not implemented yet or not for my lock?

Hope this hasn’t been asked before.


It should work… you have to tap the tiles a couple times to get it into the mode you want it to be in.

Sorry, I’m not the author of the device code, I just host it here with tiny updates because the original author has left the ST community.

Odd! I’m not experiencing that myself.

I did recently make a push to remove some of the old code refresh options because they’re generally not helpful and overly not supported… most locks it does almost nil.

The next big push, I think… will be an automated delete routine that will sweep through each slot and ensure that they are deleted, that way you start with a clean slate and Lock Manager can property set codes without the fear of having conflicts.

Much more work to do =)

You’re right, these two tiles need a few taps before they actually show the current state. Thanks.

@mccord42 ST acknowledged the mfr:0000 issue with Schlage locks is an issue on their end, advising it will be patched in the next few weeks

I’ve been troubleshooting the same issue as other users where locks will pair, codes are added, but notifications are not being sent when codes are used. From reading above and in other threads, I’m hoping the mfr:0000 bug could be the source of the issue. I have a Schlage FE599NX, most recent parent and child apps from Erik’s GitHub, and the Z-Wave Lock Reporting DTH, also from Erik’s GitHub.

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Erik, I have a been using a Yale YRD240-ZW without issue for the past 2 months. I just got an additional lock yesterday and deiced to update the DH. I added the new lock and everything is working well except I am seeing the original lock constantly disconnected in the smartthings app. If i go into the device and force a lock or unlock it goes right through and the disconnect message disappears. Did something change in the new DH that is polling for status or causing this warning?

So I know it’s been almost a month but I’ve updated to the latest and greatest and am still having notification issues with my Kwikset 910.

Manual unlock (turning the crank) results in proper “Front Door was unlocked manually”

After exiting, hitting the “Lock” button on the keypad does not generate any notifications, but logs " Front Door was locked by keypad " in the event log.

Upon returning, unlock gives proper “Front Door was unlocked by [Username2]” and logs " Front Door was unlocked with code 2 "

When I manually lock the lock from inside, it notifies with "Front Door was locked by [Username1 and logs " Front Door was locked by keypad " even though it was locked manually.

So the two errors are: 1> it does not notify on locking by keypad after being manually unlocking and 2> When manually locking after using a code to unlock it assumes the door was locked by keypad user #1.

I realize the 910 is a pretty basic lock, but these notifications used to work under the old user-lock-manager (fully uninstalled before installed lock-manager of course).

Is there any additional debugging I can provide?


I am trying to install Lock Manager and followed thayer’s instruction but cant see all child apps the provide different function to lock code on my mobile Smarthings apps under SmartApps under My Apps. Therefore some of the functionality I am looking for is not available to use. Monty

Hi Erik , excellent app. One enhancement or possible idea… could you add the ability to notify a user if someone enters an invalid code? I think my Scalage Connect BE469NX has the ability and some other locks seem to have the functionality as well.




I managed to publish all 4 apps in IDE. I see them in My Apps now. One issue, when clicking on Locks on lock manager to show Lock info it said app learning code but the existing dont refresh. It say lock may require special DTH to work properly.

This is a great app, thanks! I have a question…

I keep getting my main account locked out. “This user has been disabled. Reason: Controller failed to set user code.” I reset the setting for the user and the code works once, then locks out again. The only thing I can think of is this is the same code that I put on the lock itself when I programmed it. It’s a Schlage lock. Anyone had this happen?

I think I got most everything that was needed to get the “Lock Manager” installed. Now when I click on my lock from Lock Manager app to show all the slots and program code it basically has an X next to all and Pending refresh note for all codes that were manually programmed on the lock. The only that show are the two that programmed via Lock Manager.

Any idea how to make the Lock Manager read the current lock codes and manage them?

I searched for this before asking, but couldn’t find the specific issue, so if this has been addressed, just smack me. First of all, thanks for this, very cool. The install guide was great, and the app is fantastic. I did notice that Alexa can lock the door with a voice command through ST, but when I include locking the door in a routine, Alexa won’t run the routine and the notification states that it is because the routine includes a locking or security device that are unsupported by Alexa…I find that odd. Any insight?

By default, Amazon has chosen to prevent the unlocking of doors. Since the Echo can respond to anyone’s voice, if you say left a window open someone could yell in to unlock the door.

As far a I have heard the only official lock that can unlock is the August through their Alexa app. But the invocation is not as natural as you must “ask August” and you must present an unlock code.

For SmartThings, Ask Alexa can be used which will work the same as how the August does above and offers a whole lot more.

You can also create a virtual switch that you toggle on/off and connect it with your lock through something like CoRE. Just remember that anyone who can talk to your Echo can then unlock (turn on/off) your door.

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I think you may have mistaken my observation. This is a “Lock” command. It
will lock via ST when I say “Alexa, lock the door”, however, if the lock
command is part of an Alexa triggered ST routine, it will not. Such as when
I run “Goodnight” i built the lock command as part if that routine and
Alexa refuses ti lock it. I just found that odd that it runs the lock
command when I tell her directly, but not as a part of a spoken routine.
Wondered if I was missing something.

Ah yes. Any routine with a lock or security setting is unusable with the Echo for security reasons (unlock, disabling security). Unfortunately, there is no differentiation with routines for lock vs unlock and Echo usability. Maybe there will be in the future.

I have gotten around this with CoRE. Take the lock out of the routine and have CoRE lock it when the routine is executed. Or you can use the newer version webCoRE.

That makes sense. I did spend last night getting my feet wet with Ask
Alexa. I’m not a coder by any stretch but was able to get it configured and
get the Lambda and Amazon Dev skills set up. It seems to be working well
with the lock and garage door opener. I ended up just making a duplicate
Alexa skill and using a special invocation name and only associated the
lock and garage with it, then use the other invocation name for everything
else. So I kind made two Alexa skills run from the same Ask Alexa app and
have a secret word to control the secure stuff. So far, so good. I’m going
to study that link as well. I’m new to this, but kind of like a kid in
candy store.Thanks for the info, and for the awsome work on the locks.
