[OBSOLETE] Lock Manager

Keypads are not locks, locks are not keypads

I’ve answered this a lot, and people seem to be very confused about what a keypad is vs what a lock is in the context of devices.

Your lock that has a keypad on it, is not a keypad, it’s a lock. Keypads are stand-alone devices that DO NOT have a locking mechanism built in. They communicate with the z-wave hub in a completely different way.

I added some text to the keypad install flow to hopefully get people to stop trying to use the keypad app with their locks.

What you should do is make a routine that disables or arms your SHM, then assign that routine to an action within the lock app, either globally or inside of a lock or user app.

This works 100%, and I am using it on my own setup. one thing to note is there is no feedback mechanism for locks and there will be a random delay in when the routine gets triggered, usually a few seconds… so you have to program in your own feedback event… In order to make sure that I don’t trigger my own system, I have a light turn on or off depending on the action I’m taking so that when the light turns on, I know the system is disarmed, and when I lock the door and leave, the light turns off and I know that the arm routine was triggered.

TLDR; Use routines to disarm and arm your SHM, don’t use the keypad app if you don’t have a keypad.

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Yeah, there’s some bugs in the global notification logic that I have to fix… basically I didn’t want it to notify twice if you set some user notification options and ALSO global and I messed it up a bit.

It’s on my TODO list. Sorry!


gotcha. thanks for the quick response. are there any issues with the user notifications that you know of?

AFAIK, the user app notifications are all working.

okay. i disabled the global notifications and enabled each of the users’ notifications. only some of codes used send a push notification.

All my user notifications are working fine with one exception.

Scheduled access (notification and physical access) based on mode change is delayed by 15-45 minutes consistently.

I isolated why some users send a push notification and others do not. The users I have setup use any where between 0, 1, and 2 routines. When a user has 0 or 1 routines, the push notification gets sent. If the user has 2, no push notification gets sent.

Erik, I added this to the code. It seems to work to execute multiple routines. The debbugers can be removed.

  if (userApp.userUnlockPhrase) {
    userApp.userUnlockPhrase.each {routine ->
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I was having an issue with both of my Keypads chiming. I found I had to add a very slight pause to get both of them to chime.

    chimeDevices?.each() { 

I am using the 2nd gen Iris keypads

Hi guys,

Recently updated from old User Lock Manager to the new Lock Manager. I took the time to delete all the old DTH and devices, started clean. I even went into the lock itself and deleted all users.

Here is my last problem that I am having. I am not seeing any ‘entries’ on any users. The codes are being sent, the lock is working perfectly, but the app is not getting any report back on user entries (all users still say 0 entries). Thus I am not getting the notifications I want. I’m hoping I simply missed something easy.

Sorry if this was discussed already, I skimmed through the huge thread to find out what I could.

-Yale Lock


i have not seen that issue before. i assume when you started clean and installed everything, the yale lock device type was set to z-wave lock reporting.

Yes sir, all set to Z-wave lock. Everything else seems to work great. No problem updating codes and using it. But I simply never net any ‘entry’ reporting. Seems weird to me too, cuz the lock functions perfectly.

z-wave lock and z-wave lock reporting are different. which one is it set to?

Didn’t know it was different. Just logged into account, the device handler is set to ‘Z-Wave lock reporting’ from the github of ethayer LockManager.

I’d pass the array into the presence checker and then iterate over the array after the presence sensor logic in order to save on some performance hit. Each routine doesn’t separately need the sensor logic.

Neat, I haven’t tried this with more than 1 keypad.

Where would you have 1 action effect the chime of two keypads? I don’t understand the use-case. In my understanding, entry and event timeouts only effect the keypad you’re entering your number into. When do you tell a different keypad to beep?

We use it more of a “kid could be opening door” alert… lol.

We have a keypad in our room and one next the main door. If any doors or windows are opened they all beep. So we know if someone could be going in or out without our knowledge even when the alarm is set to off/home. It’s actually a common setting with all alarm systems. At least all the ones I’ve ever owned. All keypads chimed when a door/window of your setting was opened.

EDIT: This code change was in the Smart Alarm app… not the Lock Manager, which I am sure you figured out. Just though I’d post it here since I’m sure most people are using your app to manage their keypads. Thanks for that!

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Cool! I bought 2 more iris keypads last month because Lowes was getting rid of them. I didn’t know what I’d use them for, but I thought they were a steel at $10 each and I would figure out a use for them later.

You might have told me my use.

I have a house full of Iris stuff… I am so happy I’ve been able to convert almost 90% of everything over to ST!

I have yet to tackle the Orbit Sprinkler system… been reading through the threads about it and it looks like quite the task.

I had to tweak the DTH by Mitch Pond a little to get it the Keypads to pair with my system though. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreylista/SmartThingsPublic/master/devicetypes/mitchpond/centralite-keypad.src/centralite-keypad.groovy

I added the Health Check function but kept the Polling in there too… I wouldn’t think you’d need both though correct? I also think the checkInterval is too often… Any help with it would be greatly appreciated!

This app is great; does exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

An upgrade that would be cool would be to allow push notifications/actions for incorrect lock code entries. Don’t know if that’s a possibility with how the locks work, but it seems like it would be really beneficial.

Apologies if this already exists or has been suggested and I missed it.

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First, let me thank Eric for all the very hard work he’s put into this. I think it’s awesome he’s willing to do so much work an support on a donation basis, and I hope the community shows it’s appreciation appropriately via donating.

That said, hoping someone has some advice here. I recently upgraded from Lock Code Manager to Lock Manager. I deleted all the stuff in the smarthings developer portal and followed the set up instructions document. I didn’t manually disable old codes, but I assume the new ones will eventually overwrite the old ones if they’re in the same slots.

Issue #1 - "Controller failed to set user code"
I had this occasionally with previous Lock Code Manager too. Was painful then, as I always had to double check if my new codes for new guests had taken properly. Seems to be happening a ton as I set up new codes with Lock Manager and wish I knew why or how to mitigate this. I can sort of get it to take by doing some combination of enabling/disabling user codes and reseting users. (This is my most painful issue, but I’m guessing also the hardest to solve. Happy to do some debugging here-- I see that “Sent Updatecodes Command to…” gets repeatedly listed in the Smartthings Lock “Recently” section. I tried turning on Lock Manager -> Advanced -> Enable IDE debug messages, but I didn’t see anything come through on the “Live Logging” section of smartthings IDE.)

Issue #2 - "You are not authorized to perform the requested operation"
This is new to Lock Manager. When a user got messed up in the past, I could usually fix it by clicking “reset user code” or something like that in Lock Code Manager and it would usually fix it somehow, I think. With Lock Manager I now have 2 reset options “Reset User” and “Reset Lock (Reset lock data for this user)” and both give me an error “You are not authorized to perform the requested operation.”

Issue #3 - Any way to rename multiple “Lock Manager” smart apps in the same SmartThings account?
I have 3 Kwikset 914 locks (as I don’t like having to wake up the touchscreen models), soon to be 4. I have different sets of users that need access to the different locks that use the same smartthings hub. I don’t want to have to disable a new user from 2-3 other locks each time I add that user to one lock, so I’ve added a Lock Manager app per lock. In the old Lock Code Manager app, I found a way to rename the apps, such that I could identify the instance of Lock Code Manager on the automations–>apps list in my iPhone app. Right now all my Lock Manager apps have the same name, so I can’t tell them apart. I can live with this, but I wish I knew how to rename them.

Any idea how to get past any of these issues?
