@krlaframboise that did it! Thanks again Kevin! Really appreciate it!
Off subject question… since you’ve done an awesome job with this integration and prompt to answer any questions any possibility to work on Garadget integration?
I am releasing the Garadget (Connect) smartapp and device handler for the Garadget Garage Door Futurizer , order yours on now.
This is release v1.1 which includes correct call for US/EU API servers, this release is prior to the Garadget Device Release, there are still outstanding a couple of minor changes which i am looking to perfect in the coming weeks.
full install instructions are available in the read me
oAuth needs to be enabled in the smartapp settings after you install the smartapp via the IDE.
you can also install via Github Integration using the following repository settings
Namespace: fuzzysb
Repository: Garadget
Branch: master
Countless hours have been dedicated to updating this smartapp and associated device type, if you use this and find it use…
See my post at…
Hope you can help here as well. Thanks again!