[OBSOLETE] Aeotec Doorbell 6

I won’t be converting the Aeotec Doorbell 6 DTH into an Edge Driver, but the built-in driver should have some of the functionality.

This is a device handler for the Aeotec Doorbell 6 (ZW162-A)

IMPORTANT: A lot of the posts in this topic mention that the device is not supported in the new mobile app’s Automations feature and that it requires the Speaker Companion or Smart Lighting SmartApp, but the version released on 9/13/2020 should be fully supported.

Instructions for playing chimes in the new mobile app

  1. Open the device’s settings in the mobile app and change the “Switch On Action” setting to “Do Nothing”.

  2. Go into Automations and create a new one.

  3. Configure the “If” section that will trigger the chime to play.

  4. Select the device from the “Then” > “Control Devices” section and tap next.

  5. If the “Dimmer” option is disabled then change “off” to “on”.

  6. Tap Dimmer and specify a number between 1-10 which will be the sound # that plays when this automation is triggered.



This handler creates a main device “Aeotec Doorbell 6” and creates a child device for each button that’s paired with it so you must install and publish both of the DTHs posted below. (The device supports up to 3 buttons)

Important: When the battery level drops below a specific threshold the LED will start randomly flashing. The battery that came with one of mind dropped really quickly, but the others have been fine.


Main Device - Features

  • The main device has a bunch of settings for customizing the sound and light effect of the Siren and Chime.

  • You can use the slider next to “Play Sound #” in the main device to easily listen to the 30 Tone sounds.

  • You can use the main device to play custom chimes in SHM and Speaker Companion by entering the sound number to play as the custom message. If you specify the volume it will play the chime at that volume, otherwise it will use the Default Chime Volume setting.

  • Select the main device as a Switch in any SmartApp and it will perform the action specified in the settings when turned on.

  • Select the main device as a Dimmer and set the level to 1-30 to play the corresponding chime sound. If you plan on using this method to play sounds in Automations then make sure the Switch On Action setting is set to “Do Nothing”.

  • The main device can be used as a Siren, Strobe, or Both.

  • While the siren, strobe, or both are activated, you won’t be able to play a chime or detect when a doorbell button is pressed.

  • WARNING: Because of the way the device is designed, the only sound group I could use for the Chime feature has a higher priority than the doorbell buttons. If a chime is playing and someone pushes the doorbell button, the device doesn’t send a notification to SmartThings so you’ll have no way of knowing that the button was pushed.
    (Technically I could work around this by disabling the tamper functionality, but that would involve sending 5 z-wave commands to the device every time you use the chime. If most users think the extra z-wave traffic, potential chime unreliability, and lack of tamper feature is better than missed button pushed then I’ll consider making the change.)

  • If you have the Aeotec Siren 6 and decide to purchase an add-on doorbell button for it, you should use this handler because it has the same functionality as my siren handler, but it also supports up to 3 buttons.


Main Device - Settings

  • Tamper Alarm Volume: Allows you to adjust the volume of the tamper/vibration alarm.

  • Switch On Action: Determines what happens when the switch.on command is executed. (Do Nothing, Play Default Chime, Turn On LED, Turn On Siren, Turn On Strobe, Turn On Siren/Strobe, Play Tone #1 - Play Tone #30)

  • Siren Sound: (Tone #1 - Tone #30)

  • Siren Volume: (Mute, 1% - 100%)

  • Strobe Light Effect: (Off, On, Slow Pulse, Pulse, Fast Pulse, Flash, Strobe)

  • Siren Repeat: (Unlimited, 1 - 250)

  • Siren Repeat Delay: (No Delay, 1 Second - 250 Seconds)

  • Siren Intercept Length: (Play Entire Tone, 1 Second - 250 Seconds)

  • Default Chime Sound: (Tone #1 - Tone #30)

  • Default Chime Volume: (Mute, 1% - 100%)

  • Chime Light Effect: (Off, On, Slow Pulse, Pulse, Fast Pulse, Flash, Strobe)

  • Chime Repeat: (1 - 255)

  • Chime Repeat Delay: (No Delay, 1 Second - 250 Seconds)

  • Chime Intercept Length: (Play Entire Tone, 1 Second - 250 Seconds)


Main Device - Capabilities

  • Tamper: Reports tamper detected when it detects vibration.

  • Alarm: The commands use the siren settings, but strobe uses volume “mute” and siren uses light effect “off”.

  • Tone: beep() uses chime settings to play sound.

  • Tone, Audio Notification, Speech Synthesis, and Music Player: These commands allow you to specify a soundNumber to play (1-30). Some of the commands have an optional volume parameter and if you specify the volume it will play the chime at that level. These capabilities are somewhat confusing, but it’s the only way I can get the chime functionality to work with the built-in apps to support all 30 sounds.

  • Switch Level: The setLevel command plays the chime using the specified level as the sound number. In the classic mobile app there’s a slider which allows you to easily scroll through all the sounds.

  • Switch: Behavior determined by “Switch On Action” setting. Off command immediately turns off playing sound for siren, chime, and all buttons.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the on/off status of the chime/siren and the pairing status and battery level of the buttons.


Child Button Device - Features

  • Has settings that allow you to customize the sound and light effect.

  • When the physical button is pushed or the switch on command is executed, it will turn on using the sound/light settings.

  • You can use either the Button Pushed or Switch On events to detect when the doorbell button is pushed.

  • The secondary tile displays the date and time that that button was last pushed.


Child Button Device - Settings

  • Sound: (Tone #1 - Tone #30)

  • Volume: (Mute, 1% - 100%)

  • Light Effect: (Off, On, Slow Pulse, Pulse, Fast Pulse, Flash, Strobe)

  • Repeat: (Unlimited, 1 - 250)

  • Repeat Delay: (No Delay, 1 Second - 250 Seconds)

  • Tone Intercept Length: (Play Entire Tone, 1 Second - 250 Seconds)


Child Button Device - Capabilities

  • Battery: Reports the battery level of the button, but once the voltage drops below 3v the reported value fluctuates a lot. If any of the buttons paired with the device are below 2.8v then the device with flash its LED.

  • Switch: When the physical button is pushed the Switch On event is created. You can also execute the Switch On command to turn the device on using the sound and light specified in the settings.

  • Button: When this device’s physical button is pushed or the switch on command is executed the the Button 1 Pushed event is created.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the battery level and firmware version.


Pairing and Removing Buttons

  • If there are buttons already paired with the device when it’s joined to SmartThings it should automatically detect them and create the child devices. If for some reason it doesn’t, tap the main device’s Refresh tile and wait a few minutes to see if they appear in the button list.

  • The main device’s details screen has a section for each button. If the button is paired it will show that button device’s name, an On/Off tile, and a Remove tile. The unpaired button sections show a “Pair” tile.

  • Add Button: Click the Pair tile next to the button number you want to add and then triplle click the physical button. The tile will change to “Pairing…” while it’s pairing and you’ll know if it worked because the device will play a sound. If you didn’t hear a sound and the tile changed back to “Pair”, try again. Once the pairing process stops it should show the details of the child device within 30 seconds, but if it doesn’t, tap the Refresh tile.

  • Remove Button: Click the Remove tile next to the button you want to remove. The unpair process doesn’t require any interaction with the physical button and it deletes the child device so I added a confirm step in case a user accidentally taps Remove. When you tap Remove, the tile will change to “Confirm Remove” for a few seconds. If you tap the tile again, the button will be removed, othewise the tile will change back to “Remove”.


Looking at this for possible purchase. Can 1x button talk to multiple Siren 6 units? For example have a Siren unit in each room but all fed from the 1x button?

Not easily, but you can use Smart Lighting to turn on the others when the button is pushed.

Hi, could you perhaps confirm if it is possible to upload custom sounds to the Doorbell 6? Thanks

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No it’s not. The GEN5 Doorbell allows you to do that, but the Doorbell 6 only allows you to play the 30 built-in sounds.

The intercept, repeat, and repeat delay settings give you more control over how it sounds and the Doorbell 6 is much more reliable than the GEN5.

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My doorbell run fine for 2 days but today it’s frozen. The status is offline and the light is solid on.
I try reboot my hub without succes. I disconnect the power of doorbell unit but light stay on and don’t reboot the doorbell.
Any idea?

The only way to reboot the device is to unplug it and wait for the internal battery to die which takes about 6 hours.

The status “Offline” means that ST thinks the device is offline, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is.

Have you tried tapping the “off” tile?

Assuming you’ve tapped the off tile to ensure that the strobe isn’t active, pressing the physical doorbell button should cause the device to make a sound because the button communicates directly with the device. If that doesn’t work then it sounds like you received a bad device and you should contact Aeotec.

After battery die I replug the doorbell and now it run normally and is online with the hub.
Before nothing respond on the doorbell,try outside push button, try action button, try unpairing… nothing flash or anything else. The unit was completely frozen.

Thanks for your help

Installed both device handlers. The bell works with the button outside of smartthings. The bell button does not show in the app that it is paired. I try to pair with the button 1 pair tile. It says pairing then nothing. Tried refresh. Still nothing. What am I doing wrong? Two hours into this process. Why does this have to be so difficult? I just want a doorbell that actually rings and works with smart things.

Click pair and then quickly push the doorbell button twice.

What firmware version does it show on one of the tiles at the bottom of the screen?

The previous instructions said push three times. I have now tried pushing twice. No joy. The firmware version is now gone just – in that location. I believe it was 1.4 or 4.1

The light on the siren is “breathing”

That happens when it thinks the battery in button is low.

Remove the device (push action button 6x) , factory reset it (hold action button for 20 seconds), and then join it again.

Once it’s joined, push the pair tile for button 1, triple click the physical button and see if that solves the problem.

That’s exactly what I did earlier. But tried it again and presto! Thank you for your assistance. BC

Any reason why my settings in the Doorbell DTH would not be syncing? I’ve saved the changes and the main screen shows “1 Pending change.” If hit the sync button I see the box display “syncing…” but then it returns to show “1 Pending Change.”

The “Sync” tile resends all the settings to the device so most of the time you’re better off opening the settings and saving again so that just the changes get sent to the device.

If that doesn’t work, open live logging, save the settings again, and then post the logging results so I can see the setting and value that’s not being saved.

Hi Kevin,

Can I diactivate the door button controller at a specific time frame? So that the chime doesn’t sound late evening or night if someone pressing?

Best regards

I implemented the volume level as a setting instead of a custom command so at the moment that’s not possible.

Implementing it both ways leads to the setting value not matching the device’s actual volume and if it was only implemented as a custom command then all users would have to use a custom SmartApp like CoRE if they want to change the volume.

If you make the changes below to the “Aeotec Doorbell 6 Button” handler you should be able to use the custom SmartApp CoRE or WebCoRE to change the volume using the custom “setVolume” command.

I haven’t tested these changes so let me know if they don’t work as expected.

Add the following below the last attribute line which is around line 40.

command "setVolume"

Add the following block of code to the very bottom of the handler

def setVolume(volume) {	
	logDebug "setVolume($volume)..."
	def groupSettings = [
		"tone": toneSetting,
		"volume": volume,
		"lightEffect": lightEffectSetting,
		"repeat": repeatSetting,
		"repeatDelay": repeatDelaySetting,
		"toneIntercept": toneInterceptSetting,
		"childName": device.displayName
	parent?.childUpdated(buttonNumber, groupSettings)


Many thanks for your reply, I will try this as soon as I can. I have just installed WebCore, so I have to understand how all that works as well.

Best regards