Get a hub, even used on ebay or something. It’ll change your life! What remote do you have?
I’m using the Harmony 650.
Oh that is old, find a refurb hub with any of the remotes, even the simple home one works pretty well. The upgrade will be worth it. I’ve gone from 890’s (all rf) to the 900 series to these new ones and they are WORLDS better. I do still miss some of the advanced 890 macro abilities though…
What will it enable me to do, aside from connect to the Shield? Would need a pretty good justification to spend 1-200 on it when, aside from my Nvidia problem, I don’t have any wants that this seems it would cure. That being said I didn’t have any wants for home automation till I bought an Echo, ST hub, and a switch . . . .then I had wants running out my ears.
On same at BB with $25 off for Visa Checkout, added tax in comes to 184 for me, tempted but don’t need yet another device.
Far easier setup with the Harmony app, and ANY smartphone can become a remote. The ST integration is good for Activities, then you can add more complex stuff for GH/Alexa integration as well.
It’s going to be interesting to see what the Nvidia shield option looks like, and how stable it is.
Or if it ever comes out.
Hmmmm. The Nvidia Shield smart home page has changed. It now lists only nest and the Phillips hue system. No mention of SmartThings. ( it no longer mentions turning on the coffee maker, which was the SmartThings piece in the CES 2017 materials.) And this is the pre-release announcement.
Looks like yet more CES vaporware to attract headlines and garner free publicity ala BMW integration and others. Once the hype is over and people buy into the systems, there’s very little impetus to actually deliver as it’s already achieved what it’s set out to do and lured unsuspecting people into buying into it.
Remind me not to joke a about this stuff.
At least this post still mentions smartthings.
“Posted on January 4, 2017.”
Like many companies, they don’t go back and change previous blog posts.
yeah, still quite odd that they removed it from their main website as a coming soon. Wonder what ST has to say about it officially?
Isn’t that Smartthings Extend (announced at CES 2016) running on the Nvidia Shield instead of Samsung’s 2016+ TVs? Shouldn’t Samsung’s focus be on delivering for their own platform (I don’t think it was released as of today)? Nobody pointed that out when the same thing for the Nvidia Shield was announced at the same event one year later?
Well as much as I agree, I don’t see why they can’t work on multiple venture’s at the same time…
Still. Neither is publicly available and the amount of marketing materials mentioning either is shrinking, not growing.
[quote=“pstuart, post:36, topic:71906”]
I don’t see why they can’t work on multiple venture’s at the same time
[/quote] They certainly can and I hope so. Personally I would have a good reason to transition from my ST hub to the Nvidia Shield as soon as possible. But as you pointed out it doesn’t look likely at this point and the fact that the Samsung extend parallel hasn’t been addressed just feels like an elephant in the room.
Reviving an old thread for a quick question:
Can SmartThings launch an app on Nvidia shield tv if it is on?
I have a Harmony hub and am blessed to turn the shield + tv on via SmartThings, but I would love to:
When good morning runs, turn on shield + tv, launch “haystack” app so that I can watch the morning news.
SmartThings Link and 2 Sengled bulbs $39.99
Holy hell, it really did come to market. Congrats ST team!