Newbee question ETH-sth-200 ikea

i just got the hub working but im having trubble installing ikea outlets and buttons and bulbs. i cant find them in the app even if they are in pairing.

im sitting by my computer with 6 outlets: 19972, starting to feel 2 much hassle to connect the devices :frowning:

Most IKEA products are only officially supported via Matter integration using the DIRIGERA hub.

If you don’t have the DIRIGERA you may have to use community code and install “drivers”. For buttons in particular, you’ll have to use my drivers for IKEA buttons.

The easy and hassle-free way is getting the Dirigera though.

I also have an ETH-sth-200 and have a house full of Ikea Tradfri devices.
I have typically added them using ‘scan nearby’ while having the devices in pairing mode within inches of the SmartThings hub.
I do this even for ceiling GU10 bulbs; I made a cable for this purpose. After pairing, I relocate the device to its operating location.
Sometimes multiple pairing attempts is required. Patience is required.
I have found patience is required for all home automation.