So my V2 hub died and wont power on. Decided to get a V3 hub.
created a new location and added the hub.
Deleted all devices from the old location and deleted the location
i have aroun 40 devices. 10 or so zigbee and 6 zwave.
I’ve reset them as per the manuals.
Smartthings into pairing mode (IDE confirms its in include mode)
press pair button on zwave or zigbee devices
They fail to appear in the app.
Looking on the IDE events. i see that the zwave device is detected and starts configuring. but still doesnt show in the app.
when pressing the device on/off its logged in the IDE - payload FF or 00.
But it still doesn show in Smartthings apps as a device.
its the same with the zigbee devices.
any ideas?
event log
zwStatus device configuration Z-Wave device configuration started
zwStatus device setup Z-Wave device setup started
zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF zw device: 08, command: 2503,… zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF
and then zigbee
catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0000 00 5143 00 00 0000 01 01 010086
zbjoin: {“dni”:“5143”,“d”:“000D6F00057C07C0”,“capabilities”:“80”,“endpoints”:[{“simple”:"01 0104 040 zbjoin: {“dni”:“5143”,“d”:"00… zbjoin: {“dni”:“5143”,“d”:“000D6F00057C07C0”,“capabilities”:“80”,“endpoints”:[{“simple”:"01 0104 0402 00 08 00!