New Brands/Devices available on the SmartThings Platform

Ok could j get the screenshot of the supported thermostats inside honeywell please

Slight thread derail here (sorry jkp!) … I have a Prestige 2.0 thermostat (it’s a Redlink stat that I otherwise control using Honeywell’s standalone TCC phone app); although it’s not listed as a model officially supported in this new TCC integration here, it seems to work fine…

On its home-screen widget, it just says “Connected” - I can’t remember if it previously displayed a temp there or not. But it works fine when I tap into it - I can control temp, fan, mode, etc.

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iBlinds has been added


Withings Scale has been added.


interesting! Also just noticed you have Zipato and I do not.

He is in a different region

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yeah, figured it was either region or mobile OS.

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Interesting. It appears as a connected service but there is no obvious sign of any functionality.

@orangebucket do you have one you tried to connect? Looks like a cloud to cloud integration.

Yes. It asks the usual hub/room question then takes you through a typical Oauth2 sequence to connect to a Withings account and select a user profile. It then asks you to approve access from Withings to just about everything you could imagine on the ST end. End result is an entry under ‘Connected Services’ for a single location. However there isn’t anything else to see on the ST end and no sign of anything on the Withings end either, though I could be jumping the gun a bit.

UPDATE: Just remembered to take another look and this time the scale appeared, reporting Weight, BMI and Battery (incorrectly). However it only seems to allow a connection to one account/profile at a time and I have three profiles across two accounts. Doesn’t seem to update so I guess it may not be quite ready yet.

interesting, thanks for the update.

Great, now I can link it to Echo Speaks and have it taunt me when my weight is too high.


Better yet, have it lock your refrigerator or food pantry until you lose weight?


What does it actually mean when it says “Devices available in other countries” when you go to add some devices? I can still add and use them

I think that means devices available in all countries.

some interesting permissions for the Withings integration. I can’t tell if this means ST devices can be controlled from Withings, or if Withings will be controlling devices inside SmartThings via automations, scenes, etc.

It’s an odd one. There’s nothing on my scale that would allow me to trigger anything in smartthings anyway.

You can post your Withhings Scales questions/reviews in the Withings Scales thread now :slight_smile:

Withings Scales integration (May 2020)

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ADF Devices have been added

It appears to be some kind of an esp8266 connector service.


The adf integration appears not to be working. I have created a device and added it to the adf platform. Adding the integration to smartthings does not bring my device in.

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That’s an interesting service. Looks like they blogged about it this morning

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