New App Smart Home Monitor missing time/frequency options for temp on sensor?

So I have the Classic and new App open, the Classic app allows for temp notifications based on time and attempts.

The new App only allows for Security, Smoke and Leaks under SHM.
When selecting Custom Automation the choices under device are time, status, location and mode.

When selecting status and then temp you can only set a temp and notify members.

Does this automatically repeat the notification, attempts etc ?
What happened to the options under the Classic app ?


SHM in the new app is totally separate than the classic app. Even smoke and leaks didn’t exist in the new app SHM until a couple months ago.

Thanks Jimmy as I am a newbie,

So how can I set up an automation based on temp in a sensor that sends alerts via sms and/or frequency specified ?

Looks like the new SHM only allows for “Notify Members” - is there a default behavior to this ?

Also in the classic app it will not appear under SmartApps but I guess that is because they are different.

And in the classic app it seems I cannot see any new SmartApps even though it says they were successfully added.


you can’t send SMS or receurring notifications via the new app. You’ll have to use Classic for those alerts.

Not sure what you mean by this. Which SmartApps?

So under SmartApps I have listed:

Amazon Alexa
Smart Lighting

Any time I try to add something new I receive a status notification at the top saying “successfully added”. But it never appears in the list.

When I go here: - it says I don’t have any SmartApps :slight_smile:

Weird thing is I added Smart Lighting at some point either through the new or classic app which works…