Need help finding Edge Driver for Tuya smoke sensor

hi everybody , i got smoke detector with siren from tuya with the model name _tze200_t5p1vj8r ts0601 , I tried some drivers from here but sadly none of them works for me , can someone please guide me how to get right driver .

Thanks And Best Regards

Start by reading the community FAQ. You’ll need to check the clusters that it’s using.

FAQ: Using Tuya Zigbee Devices Directly With a SmartThings/Aeotec Hub (2024)

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Which drivers did you try? If none worked, then your model needs to be added into one of the drivers.

many thanks for quick reply , i tried the following : CStup Edge Drivers , Mariano Shared Beta Driver , otivax , none of them worked for me , the photo below is the smoke detector

how to check the clusters that it’s using ?

Read the FAQ. It explains in detail.

FAQ: Using Tuya Zigbee Devices Directly With a SmartThings/Aeotec Hub (2024)

(You originally posted in the request drivers thread, which would’ve been the right place if your post had had all of the information that developers need, As detailed in the first post in that thread. We try really hard to keep discussion of devices in that FAQ to just two posts: one with the request, and one with a response about which driver will work. Otherwise, it just becomes unusable. :cold_sweat:

In this case, because it appears you had not read the first post, your conversation was getting into multiple posts from multiple people, so I have started a new thread for you.

I know this probably seems way overcomplicated: that’s the issue you can run into with tuya devices. Again, the FAQ will explain the details.)

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i followed the steps quickly and here is the result

Manufacturer: _TZE200_t5p1vj8r
Model: TS0601
FingerPrinted_EndPoint.Id: 0x01
App Version: 0x53
ZCL Version: 0x03
Network ID: 0xD4CA
Zigbee EUI: 5C0272FFFEC4BE19
Device ID: fc373bbd-cf7b-4b41-b632-5dd00206f359

Server Cluster:
Ep: 0x01={ 0000,0004,0005,EF00 }

Client Clusters:
Ep: 0x01={ 0019,000A }

Signal Metrics:
LQI: 188 .... RSSI: -52 dbm

any hope to get driver for this one ?

Ok, that is using the EF00 cluster.

As the FAQ explained in step 5, that means you’ll need to go to the generic Tuya driver, which has multiple profiles.

From the FAQ:

  1. now you will be able to see the “clusters“ that this device supports. If you see EF00 , then it’s using proprietary Tuya clusters. Those are a pain. :disappointed_relieved: You might be able to get it work with the following edge driver, but no guarantees. Read the first post carefully, it has a lot of information you will need.

Please ask any further questions in that thread, and someone there should be able to help you.

[ST Edge] Personal Tuya Devices - Generic EF00 Device


many thanks i got it working with generic tuya driver ef00 as your help

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how to remove debug info from device page , I already choose error only

Can you try Wesley’s beta driver?

share to me the link of his driver to test and get back to you , but its already working with generic tuya ef00 I chose smoke detector , but cant get battery status and there is debug box at same device page cant get rid of it , but despite all its working perfectly

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i think its the same im using right ?

Public SmartThings Edge Drivers - w35l3y

That’s the one I was referring to and I think he’s split this into multilevel drivers now so you need to choose the one that ends with default or similar only. Also it looks like it’s missing your device fingerprint so you need to ask him to provide your device fingerprint and ask him to add it in his driver

sorry i dont know how to do that , its my first time posting here

Looks like you have installed his main driver and most likely your device’s fingerprint is probably not added in his driver so you need to provide the fingerprint and ask him to add it in.

Just try once using his beta driver link Samsung account and see if he has added this in based on someone else’s request. If he has, then you can install this, test it and wait it for it to be moved to his main driver. If not, you need to ask him to add it in this beta driver first for you to test and make sure everything is working fine.

You also mentioned that everything was working fine apart from battery and debug so does it mean the status of the smoke goes to ‘Detected’ and ‘Clear’ correctly?

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yes it does do to detect and clear correctly , i tried yesterday to send request to wesly but because im new member here it wasnt easy , a pop msg said that An error occurred: We appreciate your enthusiasm, keep it up! That said, for the safety of our community, you’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 11 hours and you’ll be able to create more replies. ( sorry for late reply because I reached maximum posts as new member)

OK fine, I don’t think he adds new devices to his driver anymore and it could be that he might ask you to do the modifications and send a merge request to add to his driver or he could make an exception for you. If it’s difficult for you to learn and do the coding, then you can live with your current device as it works

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