Does anyone know if these will work with smartthings?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. They use Bluetooth technology.

Doesnt the new hub have bluetooth?

Yes but it has not been enabled as yet.

Mysmartblinds sent out an email, 1/23/2017, indicating IOT Coming Soon.

Appears to be Bluetooth oriented, so wouldn’t hold my breath on direct ST integration. With that said appears it will be Amazon Echo compatible, so may be able to indirectly get control of Mysmarblinds via ST>Echo.

To early to tell, will have to wait and see what they release.

As an aside, really wish Mysmartblinds was $50 or less per blind versus the current +$100 per blind. At lower price point I would easily buy into a relatively new product, without proven track record or much reviews. I have 10 blinds in my living room alone, current price is simply too high for only tilt control of the blinds (I.e. this is not actually opening/lowering which is more aesthetically pleasing when opened).

I have mine for over one year and love them. They never need charging as they have a solar cell. They have never failed to open to the angle I want and close and close fully. I have it set to open at sunrise and close at sunset, but you can do what you want. I plan on getting one of their switches and hoping to open it up and see if I can connect it to a mini relay, and work from there. Not sure if it can be done.

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Looks like a great product. I will wait for confirmed ST integration though.

Looks like they will be integrating with ST…there’s the ST logo with a promise of “coming soon” on the following page.

Hopefully they follow through. I wonder how it will be done.

Looks like they are going to have it work in conjunction with the app?

James Crocker

Not holding my breath on the ST integration…they have had a notice on their site that an Android app is “under construction” for at least 6 months.

Looks like they have an android app…

July 10

Looks like they have an android app…
My Smart Blinds My Smart Blinds Inc.

MySmartBlinds turns any ordinary home into a smart home by converting
horizontal 2-inch blinds to automated blinds. Set up a weekly schedule or
show off your home using manual control from the app.Features:• Sync
changes from multiple users using the same account• Quickly open or close
blinds using the Smart Position shortcuts• Gradual tilt option moves blinds
silently• Set up multiple weekly schedules per room• Automated calibration
process • Over-the-air firmware updates to add new features•••…

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In Reply To
July 10
Not holding my breath on the ST integration…they have had a notice on
their site that an Android app is “under construction” for at least 6

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That’s the iOS app, but as TylerDurden pointed out, they apparently have an Android app released as well. I’m very excited about the ST integration. We bought a new couch and the positioning of it in the room has made it difficult to reach the blinds. I’ll start there with the Mysmartblinds (best WAF) and if that goes well for other rooms.

Just don’t know how they are going to integrate effectively. Will need a new wifi->BT module you’ll have to plug into an outlet close by. I can’t connect to the two mysmartblinds devices I have in my home if I am more than 15’-20’ away. If you had a whole house of them you would need whatever add-on module they come up with in every room.

Each motor controller assembly needs a wifi chip in it. I wish IOT would stop using bluetooth.

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I found this and was wondering if there are some brilliant people that can get this connected? I think it has the possibility, but not sure how to implement it…

Here’s their website:

This seems like a logical solution, or just wait until MySmartblinds finishes their BT hub…

Any thoughts?

I found this the other day… it looks like mysmartblinds is working on a BLE hub that will integrate with ST (and others).

Their new Kickstarter campaign is alive. They have the hub (beta) for $40…and some of their other stuff at a discount, too…

Here’s a link to the live kickstarter campaign:

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Thanks. I went ahead and pledged for the $559 5 automation kits+solar panels and hub. That will cover all the windows in my combo kitchen/family room.

I asked about an API and/or the possibility for ST integration, here’s the reply I got:

Tilt My Blinds says:
We currently do not have an API available for developers. SmartThings is on the radar for our hub to connect to. We will be doing some research into other smart home systems to connect to when we are done with Alexa.