Does anyone use or have anything similar to this:
No… But I really want this functionality!
I tilt my blinds more often than activating light switches!!!
I saw this and I like it. I don’t need a hole shade roller system, I just want to tilt my blinds too.
There’s also in conjunction with hijacking the remote button functions which I easily did with this project that I haven’t quite finished on my own yet.
This is great! I so want to do this for my next hardware project.
Here, the sun is up for 20 hours during the summer, this will get a lot of use.
So it’s bluetooth, what the heck does that imply for Hub V2. I don’t know how BT works outside of the standard stacks. I think I’ve heard Gigaom talking about a BT Mesh network standard that isn’t even final yet. I guess you can make your own but that’s got to be hell for people like ST. I would not want to be in their seats for the incoming wave of WiFi + BT devices…
Well… It’s a bit unlike me to promote Kickstarter or IndieGogo projects because of their uncertainty, but this project’s (Bluz) integration with Spark Core has me interested.
It’s “gateway” is in the form of a USB dongle. Seems like an excellent use for one of the USB Ports on Hub V2.
Yea I got that email. I don’t even own a spark product but I really like them. Bluz seems cool, and they solved a problem for themselves but there’s really still no official mesh stack that I know of. Come on consortiums, slap a weird acronym like MSHNET on it and lets go.
The Bluetooth world is still in Intellectual Property “competition mode”. Why build a consortium around a particular standard when it could be much more profitable to be able to promote your own chipset based on your own proprietary mesh protocols, and hopefully that becomes a de facto popular standard and your company “wins the jackpot”.
I attended a non-NDA presentation by Broadcom recently. They have quite a nice mesh design in the works, already available to Developers / Manufacturers for prototyping and testing. It is firmware upgradable; I have this module below which does not come with the mesh installed (and, I only have one module, so it can’t mesh anyway).
Somewhere on the Broadcom site, they may talk more about the “mesh” capabilities of this chip.
Interesting. I just feel like BLE has been out long enough for a frontrunner to have emerged and caused everyone to fall in line to compete.