December 8, 2017, 3:39am
Since the issue with Routines 2 months ago, my Routines have been running at arbitrary times. My hub has been restarted numerous times, and the Routines have obviously run, yet they have not gone back to normal.
This is wreaking havoc on my schedules and causing my family to go nuts.
Is there no fix for this yet?
Edit: Thanks @Cobra for pointing out that it’s not my Routines but my MODES that are triggering early.
(Andy - United Kingdom)
December 8, 2017, 12:38pm
Are your routines triggered by mode?
If so have a look here…
I have had Smartthings running for 2 years and have experienced the challenges we all describe on here.
Since the latest update, my mode criteria for operating my lights do not work anymore.
I have 4 light modes; low. medium. high and sleep.
I have set up virtual light switches for each of my rooms which group the lights accordingly.
I use the Smart Lighting app to create the conditions for the motion sensors to operate.
If I set the MODE to LOW, the SmartLighting rule is set to TURN ON and SET LEVEL to 10% on sensing motion.
With MODE set to MEDIUM, Smart lighting will TURN ON and set LEVEL to 60%. MODE On HIGH will set the level set is 100%
Currently, with the MODE set to MEDIUM, the lights come on at 60% on sensing motion. It will stay like that until sensing motion again but th…
December 8, 2017, 3:07pm
Question: Are you in the US or the UK? The thread that @Cobra posted for you is primarily happening to lot of people in the UK, not so much in the US, so if you are in the UK this might be bringing down your house, hehe, literally.
December 8, 2017, 3:52pm
LOL. Yeah, so it’s my Modes that are triggering early, and it’s specifically my nightime modes. It’s become more obvious lately due to Christmas lights being triggered by Sunset and Mode changes.
December 8, 2017, 4:02pm
I suggested this for another guy that might be worth trying, instead if relying on a fix from ST. I will paste my posts from that thread here:
I’m going to throw out something that may seem kind of silly, but while I was reading the other thread, it seems like a very high percentage of the people having issues we’re related around Goodbye or I’m Back.
If you guys just ended up modifying the existing SmartThings provided Routines of Goodbye and I’m Back and with the recent problems that have been posted over the last 12 days or so, why don’t you guys create brand new Routines like Arm - Away and Disarm System and replicate everything you have from Goodbye and I’m Back, then remove everything from those 2 Routines (triggers) so they no longer execute on their own.
It’s worth testing to see if something somehow got introduced recently creating some sort of negative offset because those 2 out of the box routines are being used.
Seems to have fixed it - interesting enough my custom “Home Fragrance” routine was working consistently so I think adding a “Security (Disarm)” and ‘Security (Arm Away)” routine to replicate the I’m Back and Goodbye built-in routines works well.
Let’s hope the Good Morning and Good Night routines are unaffected…
It’s possible that just creating a new routine to replace the old got things working, period and didn’t have any bearing on the existing Goodbye and I’m back Routines. If you have any other Routines that fail that are using Mode as a basis, I would replace them with a new Routine and then delete the old.
Just my way of troubleshooting things in a different way before going to support or screaming out here which doesn’t get it resolved, as you saw how fuming mad others are in that other thread. Hehe, I know from my past rants.
Worth a shot.
December 8, 2017, 4:11pm
Thanks for those suggestions. Going to take a look into that later today.