Meross devices not working in SmartThings app

Meross devices smart light switches and plugs stopped working in SmartThings app. Still linked to Alexa. Need help with the problem my routines no longer work.

Go to Menu > Settings > Linked services, tap on Meross and then tap on Refresh

But they did have an issue last week on their end. You may need to reauthenticate if you haven’t already.

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There is no Meross in the linked service SmartThings app. How do you deauthorize?

I experienced the same… nothing in Linked services. For myself… I had to add it again. From there it failed the first authentication and I looked in Linked services were it shiowed as disconnected but allowed me to reauthenticate.

The Meross brand is not longer available on SmartThings app. Tried scanning for device but no luck, set device in pairing mode still no luck.

Add device > Add Partner device > Meross shows for me.

Scanning for devices does not work with cloud to cloud integrations

SmartThings app + add device > 3 dots > view supported devices > view all > brands ( Meross not there)
No sure why I’m not getting the same as you. Think I’m have to contact SmartThings support. Thanks

Perhaps a regional thing.

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Do not click on the 3 dots.

Instead click on Add in the Partner devices tile.

Meross does not show for me either in Supported devices. iMO that Supported devices section has been the most confusing section for users. You can”t add devices there. Best to avoid it .

You are fantastic did what you suggested and found Meross. Accounts are linked. Thanks again would never would have found it by myself.

Did you all solve the problem?

I deleted the service and linked again and not working yet.

Any idea?

Had to re-add a Meross device in the SmartThings app, then I could delink to Meross. All the Meross devices showed up in SmartThings where I can control them.

I meant relink not delink