Meross Connexion (January 7, 2025)

Bonjour, aujourd’hui tous mes appareils MEROSS ont disparus de ST. J’essais d’associé MEROSS à ST et je recois un message d’erreur. J’ai redemarré le HUB et réinstallé l’application et j’ai toujours le message d’erreur (Impossible d’associer le compte Code d’erreur: A3WFXM
Merci de votre aide.

Hello, today all my MEROSS devices disappeared from ST. I’m trying to associate MEROSS with ST and I’m getting an error message. I restarted the HUB and reinstalled the application and I still get the error message (Unable to associate account Error code: A3WFXM


Translation to English:

Hello, today all my MEROSS devices have disappeared from ST. I try to associate MEROSS with ST and I receive an error message. I restarted the HUB and reinstalled the application and I still have the error message (Unable to associate account Error code: A3WFXM
Thanks for your help.

My Meross integration and devices have also disappeared. Best advice is to report the issue to both ST Support and Meross Support and wait until the issue gets resolved.

Mon intégration et mes appareils Meross ont également disparu. Le mieux est de signaler le problème au support ST et au support Meross et d’attendre que le problème soit résolu.

Je vais faire les signalements

I have the exact same problem! The Meross service has disappeared from my list of linked services in SmartThings.
It’s really frustrating!

French translation

J’ai exactement le même problème ! Le service Meross a disparu de ma liste de services liés dans SmartThings.
C’est vraiment frustrant !

I am having the same issue. I am hoping this is a one-time error and they are not dropping the integration

Same here. All Meross devices have disappeared as if this morning. Smartthings app says Meross account is linked, but when i click “view linked service,” i get a message that says “Smartthings and Meross are no longer connected.”

I’ve signed out of Smartthings, reinstalled the app, retried linking accounts. When I am able to get through the linking process for Meross, I get an “Onboarding error.” Its a mess.

Same here lost my Meross devices and connected service in ST. Sent a request both ST and Meross.

This should be resolved now.

Meross identified a issue on their side with some network fluctuation on their servers which has been resolved.

You will have to remake the connection in SmartThings.

Unfortunately, this will also mean updating any routines set up using your Meross devices.