Max installs exceeded for OAuth SmartApp 20 installs - documentation says it should be 500


I am the tech lead of company using a SmartThings OAuth app.

Our SmartApp is returning the following error message:


This suggests we cannot onboard more than 20 users. However, the documentation states 500 before needing to fill out a form OAuth Integrations | Developer Documentation | SmartThings

Is there some other step we need to take? This is an urgent problem for us as customers are trying to sign up but can’t.

Thank you,

Tagging @nayelyz

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Hi, @AWGNelson

As you mention this integration belongs to a company, you should contact the Partners team for further assistance.
Indeed the limit is documented as 500 and I haven’t seen recent reports about this, so, they’ll help you check your situation.
You can contact them at

Thanks for the tag, @Andrew_Bartlett

Thank you! I’ve reached out via email