After a night of my lounge lights going on and off thanks to an ST motion sensor deciding it was seeing motion, I decided to reset it.
Went straight into a firmware update but now not detecting motion.
Firmware update finished and still not working.
Full reset done. Still the same.
I am Having the same issue, Any resolution?
same here. Although my motion sensor is so far working fine, over the last week of owning the system (UK version). Would be good to know how to get it to run locally though!
As it had stopped working i raised a ticket into ST.
After doing some diagnosis with support it was agreed that they would change it under warranty.
I just bought a SmartThings starter kit (UK version), and paired with the included SmartThings Motion sensor.
By default it paired as âSmartSense Motion Sensorâ device type with motion and temperature reports. It is not running locally this way. I switched it to âSmartSense Motionâ and it runs locally, but without the temperature reports, so this is a no go for me.
By the way, the sensor goes offline even like 3 meters away from the Hub, it stops working, doesnât report anything. Thatâs really a big problem. In contrast, the included Multi Sensor works even two floors above from where the Hub is. Do anybody else experience such range problems with the Motion sensor?