Hello, I am a UK user with a Version 2 Smartthings hub. I have just recently noticed that all 9 of my Smartthings V2 motion sensors were not showing locally on my hub, but were running over the cloud.
They were set to “SmartSense Motion Sensor” by default in the IDE.
I changed the motion sensors device type to “SmartSense Motion/Temp sensor” and now my motion sensors show up to be running locally.
I had a lot of problems with my motion sensors intermittently triggering over the last week, and they have all been perfect since I have changed over to the locally run device type.
It is strange why they all defaulted to the cloud device type, when running “connect new device”, instead of the local device type.
This check may help those that also have Smartthings V2 motion sensor, problems!
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
I’ve noticed that about some of my smartapps and devices here in the US. I’ve had smart Lighting apps not show up running local with locally running devices. I would just go in the rule and change the device to a different one, then change it back… then it would just show up.
Hello Bamarayne, I take it you have V2 Smartthings motion sensors! If so, did they also default to “SmartSense Motion Sensor” in the IDE, Instead of “SmartSense Motion/Temp sensor”?
It has been 3 days now since I manually changed the motion sensors to run off the smartsence motion/Temp sensor device type, and they are running perfectly!
Hopefully ST will allow more apps/devices to run locally, as cloud based items have just been too unreliable!
I just checked mine, and they were all running local using SmartSense Motion Sensor. Curious as to why the same device type runs differently (local vs cloud).
Very strange indeed! I have tried many times, and could only get them to run locally using only the “SmartSense Motion/Temp sensor” device type!
I am really happy now, but wanted others to be aware that they may need to check, as I had presumed the motion sensors were all running locally for many months, until I had checked, and realised the motion sensors were defaulting to a device type that was not allowing them to be locally controlled.
I tried all nine of my ST VER2 motion sensors independently, and each one gave the same results!
I was wondering Bago, if you are a (US) user or (UK) user? I am just trying to rule out if it is something different that is happening on the (UK) ver2 hubs!
Very strange indeed. Maybe give support a shout just in case you U.K users don’t have local process for that device type for strange reason and hopefully they can fix it.
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
Actually the only thing I own that is smartthings is the hub. I’m using Enerwave ceiling mounted motion sensors. I have four of them using the stock Zwave Motion sensor device handler.
If you can get acceptable use from a device while using a stock ST device handler then you can get them to run locally…