Lowe's Iris Sensors (New CentraLite models)

I’ve lost track of how many Iris motion sensors I’ve bought (10+), but all have been successfully added and working perfectly. This is what I do:

EDIT: I updated/added steps starting at #11.

  1. In the phone app:
  2. “Connect New Device”
  3. Pull the plastic battery tab (or insert battery)
  4. Wait until it’s “found”, and then tap the back arrow (< SmartThings) after just a few seconds. Takes you back to Marketplace.
  5. Wait (a few seconds, but your mileage may vary) for the “Not Yet Configured” entry and tap on it.
  6. Do what ever I need to name it and place it in a Room. Walk through remaining steps. Done with phone app. Right now it’s just a “Thing”
  7. In the IDE:
  8. Go to the Room where the new device was added, and select it and click on Edit. Remember, it’s a “Thing”.
  9. Change Name* to “SmartSense Motion Sensor” and Type* to “SmartSense Motion Sensor” and click on Update.
  10. Done with the IDE at the moment.
  11. On the device and in the phone app: (UPDATED)
    11.1 Repeat step 1 and 2
  12. Remove the battery
  13. Press and HOLD down the small button on the side of the device. You’ll feel a slight click.
  14. Reinsert the battery, and only release the button when the light turns blue. It will flash blue and then green.
  15. Done with the device.
    15.1 Repeat step 4, except this time you won’t see any message for it being “found”, just go back to the Marketplace.
  16. In the IDE again:
  17. Go to the device’s event log.
  18. You’ll first see the CONFIGURE command sent, and then battery, temperature, and motion events in no particular order.
  19. In the phone app again:
  20. Go to the device and hit Refresh". You’ll see that in the event log as well

Everything should be working as expected after all that. Seems like a lot, but not really considering no formal device type exists yet from ST. I did the same thing for the Iris open/close contact sensors.