Does anyone know if a generic Device Handler has been written to integrate cameras that support Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)? I have a bunch of Logitech Alert cameras and would love to be able to add them to my SmartThings ecosystem. Anyone have a lead?
I’ve tried the repo but was not able to pull information from rtsp://192.168.1.x/LowResolutionVideo even though I was able to see the feed from VLC. Anything I am missing? Thanks a lot in advance.
I assume you have the “Generic Video Camera Connect” smartapp installed and configured for all of your cameras. You are probably already aware of this but you have your device connected to the same local network as your cameras. I WOULD NOT open a port to access the feed externally. From your post I’m pretty sure you thought of all this already.
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have everything configured under the same local network and would not consider opening an external port for this - it’s too dangerous. Any suggestions?