(Brian Smith)
June 25, 2014, 8:31pm
I’ve kinda asked for the same thing earlier and I think it is really needed. Hopefully something will come about in the not too distant future. So many of the questions in the Community are about compatibility and functionality supported.
I know I read (I think @Ben may have posted it) that ST is looking to place the list of devices more prominently on the website. Might I suggest a step further and include an actual database of devices containing more info? Here are some ideas I have off the top of my head…
it could include what is and is not supported on a particular device
it could allow apps and other code to be posted and linked to it. So, when a developer or end user comes up with something that adds more functionality, it could be directly associated with it (also add the option to associate with many things since I’m guessing some code might work for multiple devices).
allow for links to the manufacturer’s website for manuals, etc, if available
better grouping and sorting by device type, manufacturer, compatibi…
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