I have an Enbrighten Zigbee switch 43076 that seems to be turning on without any relevant linked automation. Oddly enough it seems it turns on when I come home, which is triggered through Google Home tracking my location and then flipping a virtual switch that sets off any arrival automation.
I have looked at all my automations in the linked automations tab for the device as well as my SmartLighting automations and none of them are tied. I also checked Alexa Hunches (turned off) as well as any automation I have in Google Home and there are none.
When I arrive home it turns off Smart Things Home Monitor and sets to Home status (vs Away or Armed Stay). I have not been able to pin down if this is happening when other people arrive, but I don’t think it is. There is one automation that is supposed to turn this errant light on, which is a motion sensor in the room. . .but I confirmed that is not seeing any motion. The rest of the automations all turn the light off (no motion, leaving the house, etc). I looked at the ST web app to see if any insights there and don’t see anything. I also unplugged the hub (batteries gone long ago) and let it sit for 35 min to rebuild the Zigbee mesh. I thought it might be a quick power flip at the switch or something, but the fact that it seems consistent with me arriving home makes me think not.
These automations have been the same, and working fine, for many years. I do not know exactly when the problem started, but I only noticed it about a week ago. That was right around the time I removed a Bosch motion sensor from the network in another room and replaced with a Third Reality motion sensor. None of the automations tied to either of those motion sensor devices are connect to the errant light or the motion sensor that controls it.
I can always cook up something to shut the light off again (e.g. light on for 5 min and no motion in room for 5 min), but would really rather figure out the cause. I have had a few other lights have this problem where I cooked up a shut off routine, but they are not Zigbee and not Jasco/Enbrighten, and don’t follow the same pattern of when I arrive so I don’t see a connection. The other problem switches are in the next room (both rooms in basement) which feels like a clue. I also realized I have a Jasco Z-Wave plug in outlet that seems to magically turn on then immedately off within seconds, but again, doesn’t follow the same arrival pattern.
Sorry the post is kind of rambling. . .but any suggestions on how to track it down?
I usually try to avoid the nuclear option at all costs due to having to tweak all the automations, but this device doesn’t have that many against it so might not be that bad. Will keep that in reserve.
Good suggestion on SharpTools. I don’t really use it, but did set it up to play with it and just confirmed it’s still connected. I stopped using IFTTT but just realized it’s also still connected so will check that.
EDIT: Just looked at SharpTools and IFTTT and just 1 disabled routine in ST and IFTTT is empty.
I have had some zigbee lights turning on randomly the last week or so when there are not automations scheduled and no changes for months with the automations associated with those lights. and the instances do not coincide with any other events. Just a few lights that randomly turn on at different times than each other.
I setup some automations to notify me when it happens for now so I can better see the pattern. Right now I just discovered it’s been on the entire day since it’s in a room we don’t go to that often.
Will likely sit on it for a bit to see if goes away.
As my father-in-law likes to say, that was a kerfuffle! I was the first one to come home today and like clockwork, house went into home mode and the basement light went on. Double-checked the automations on the switch, did a search for all the manually run routines for the name of the switch, checked no worries while away all (disabled), and no Google lighting groups seemed like the culprit.
Then I remembered I actually have two Google Homes. One is the original and main one that has all the devices in it, and the other is one where each family member has their own that tracks their location and flips a virtual switch accordingly that SmartThings then feeds off of to know who is home and react accordingly.
It was the main home with all the devices that was the problem. Somehow a household routine in the main home had been created with only one action which was to turn the basement on. For the last several months Google has been pretty poor about tracking home and away, so we’ve all been routinely disabling and re-enabling the tracking to get it to work again. I suspect I for another family member accidentally did that in the main home versus our individual home by accident and somehow that triggered Google to set up the routine. It must have just picked the first device alphabetically to put in the action… Basement.
Thanks everybody for all the suggestions! Sure would be nice if SmartThings had better tools to track what initiated an event. Ah, the good old days.