My interpretation of the Leviton specs is only one of the two are controlled. I like that it abides by recent code requirements supporting tamper resistance, though.
Something to consider is the LED color and intensity. It looks better if you use the same throughout your house.
I believe code requires one NOT to be controlled and controlled needs to be clearly labeled. It has been a while since I reviewed the code but if I recall the concern was life/safety equipment can’t be controlled or something to that effect.
If you look at the picture on Amazon it has “controlled” imprinted by the one socket, but not the other.
As Beckwith said this is pretty standard for Z-wave outlet. I’ve got GEs and a few Instamatic installed at my house and they all have one controlled and one not.
I got the GE as well through my house, and went with a few Leviton for switches, because of not requiring neutrals.
The GE switches are available at Lowes and i’ve found about 10 dollars cheaper than on Amazon if you are curious, and they are the exact same receptacles!
On an interesting side note… I specifically went with Evolve switches in my bedrooms upstairs because they were dimmers that DID require a neutral. I wanted to be a ready for possible LED lighting in the future and had neutral lines in the boxes already.
(To forestall any questions: if a switch/dimmer does NOT use a neutral, it lets a small amount of electric flow through the circuit in order to maintain power for it’s z-wave radio. This is generally not enough to light up a incandescent bulb(s). However, because LED lights use far less power the small trickle of electric might be enough light up an LED dimly, especially if it was a single bulb.)
Agreed. I would even go further recommending using neutral regardless. The circuitry with neutral has to be more reliable because it is less complicated. And as you point out, none can dim LEDs without a neutral. Who is to say what bulb someone uses in the future.
Of course this whole need for neutral is a barrier keeping the masses from embracing home automation. If someone can come up with a solution for dimming LED without neutral, they will have a winner. It may require cooperation with LED manufacturers or some clever engineering that allows the electricity to pass without lighting the LED.