KP125M no energy monitoring data


The energy monitoring dashboard isn’t displaying any energy statistics for my TP-Link KP125M smart plugs.

These plugs definitely are collecting energy stats as I can view their usage through both the Kasa and Tapo applications.

The latest firmware I applied to these plugs specifically mentions Smartthings support as being available.

I’ve reset the plugs to factory defaults and removed them from Smartthings multiple times to no avail. I’ve tried adding them via the Kasa linked service and also the Tapo linked service.

I can control the plugs via Smartthings, it’s just the energy monitoring that’s not working. The link to view the energy usage for the plugs is shown when I open a plug in Smartthings. It’s just that no energy usage is being collected.

I’m at a loss as to what to do next.

Does anyone have an idea on what may be going on?

You should add them via Matter.

Edit: just realized that they are probably not Matter 1.3 certified…

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Energy reporting was added in Matter 1.3. ST just started supporting 1.3 in the most recent release 54.13. In looking at the matter-switch driver, there is a new profile for non-Eve Matter devices that includes the power consumption capability based on generic deviceTypeID:

  - id: "matter/on-off/plug/electrical-sensor"
    deviceLabel: Matter OnOff Plug
      - id: 0x010A # On Off Plug-in Unit
      - id: 0x0510 # Electrical Sensor
    deviceProfileName: plug-power-energy-powerConsumption
name: plug-energy-powerConsumption
  - id: main
      - id: switch
        version: 1
      - id: energyMeter
        version: 1
      - id: powerConsumptionReport
        version: 1
      - id: firmwareUpdate
        version: 1
      - id: refresh
        version: 1
    - name: SmartPlug

So, two things to check in this case; 1) does the KP125M support Matter 1.3 yet?; and 2) see what deviceTypeIDs the plug identifies as. You can check that out using either the community developed API Browser+ or the ST CLI using the command “smartthings devices ‘deviceID’ -j”. And, of course, you have to have a ST hub of some type that supports Matter which includes v2/v3/Aeotec hubs, SmartThings Station, and hub-enabled TVs and refrigerators.

Endpoints 	[{"endpointId":0x00,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x16}]},{"endpointId":0x01,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x10D}]},{"endpointId":0x02,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x106}]},{"endpointId":0x03,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x107}]}]
        "endpoints": [
                "endpointId": 0,
                "deviceTypes": [
                        "deviceTypeId": 22
                "endpointId": 1,
                "deviceTypes": [
                        "deviceTypeId": 269
                "endpointId": 2,
                "deviceTypes": [
                        "deviceTypeId": 262
                "endpointId": 3,
                "deviceTypes": [
                        "deviceTypeId": 263
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Please follow the instructions on TP Link’s page here and contact their support if necessary, my similar plugs P110M work fine.

I reached out to TP-Link support regarding this issue. After days of going back and forth I finally got through to someone who could actually troubleshoot the issue.

According TP-Link, there is an issue preventing energy monitoring data from KP125M devices from populating the energy stats in ST.

Last week I was told that the issue would be resolved early this week. :crossed_fingers:

For energy monitoring to work, you must link your TP-Link Kasa account. Linking the Tapo account won’t import any KP125M devices even if you have your Kasa and Tapo accounts linked on the TP-Link side.


Account linking would make the device use cloud->cloud integration vs a local Matter integration. Not sure the person you talked to is entirely clued in on how this should work.

Right, which means you can’t use Matter for local integration AND get energy monitoring. It’s one or the other right now until Tapo updates the firmware to support Matter 1.3.

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TP-Link applied the fix for energy monitoring on their cloud integration. Energy stats are now being reported on KP125M devices. :grinning: