There is a 1-2s lag when I try to get one light to turn on another light with the smart lighting app. Is there a way in the app to make a z-wave association so the switch will tell the other switch to turn on directly, without the hub?
1-2 secs seems really long using smart lighting as it runs locally on the hub.
Try Trendsetter to group Lights
If you’re using a SmartApp to relay commands then a 1-2s lag doesn’t sound too bad to me! You are right that using Z-Wave device associations, to get the devices talking to each other directly, is the way to go for a more snappy response.
Unfortunately, the configuration of association groups is typically unique for each type of device. You therefore need a device handler for your specific device types that supports association groups, which isn’t very common at the moment (as it’s an advanced feature). There isn’t going to be any kind of SmartApp that can configure device associations en mass, at least not for the time being.
However, I have written some device handlers that support setting association groups (using both the basic Association command class, and also Multichannel Assocaition command class). You may be able to take my examples and apply the code for your own devices:
Fibaro Dimmer 2 (which supports four multi-channel association groups): [RELEASE] Fibaro Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) - Advanced DTH (V2)
Fibaro Flood Sensor (which supports two association groups):
If you tell us the specific devices you are using, I can maybe suggest some code you can use.
You’ve gotten lots of good information, I just wanted to give the quick answer to your original question.
Unlike some home automation hubs such as vera, there is unfortunately no way in the SmartThings mobile app to set up a zwave association between two devices.
For Z wave classic devices, most people just use the minimote. If you shop around you can find one for about $20. You can use it as a handheld button remote for every day tasks and it has a separate set of admin buttons that you can use to create an association between 2 zwave classic devices. It works fine and the process is quite simple (assuming of course that both of the devices support Association). This is discussed in the thread at the link that @anon36505037 gave you.
For Z wave plus devices or any zwave classic devices where you need to make the association in a group other than Association group one, then you have to do it with custom code, which is what @zcapr17 was offering to help you with.
So you can definitely set up association in a smart things system, but it’s not as easy as just checking two boxes in the mobile app.
All of that said, while direct association should give you the quickest response for Z wave devices, 1 to 2 seconds would be considered a pretty typical response rate for Z wave devices in a SmartThings network. The latency depends in part on what exact devices you’re using. For example, if one of the devices is a battery operated motion sensor, it may only sample for motion every 30 seconds.
We should also note that when you do use direct Association, the status may not be updated to the SmartThings mobile app immediately since you are by definition bypassing the hub when the command is sent. That won’t matter for some use cases, but might for others, so it’s just something to be aware of.
What specific brand and model of devices are you associating?
Thanks for the responses guys!
I have a GE light 12722 switch (z-wave)
The other device is a leviton z-wave+ plug in dimmer: DZPD3-2BW
I might also do this with a Zooz ZEN06 z-wave+ smart plug or a Hank Z-wave Plus Smart Plug HKZW-SO01
I ordered a mini-mote to set this stuff up, although it’s too bad that smart things doesn’t have this kind of general z-wave association functionality built into their app already.
If it’s this, then it doesn’t appear to support Z-Wave association. So you won’t be able to create a true Z-Wave association at all.
One last thing to check though, is the raw description of one of your switch devices from the IDE. Should look something like:
zw:Ls type:1101 mfr:010F prod:0102 model:1000 ver:3.04 zwv:4.05 lib:03 cc:5E,86,72,59,73,22,31,32,71,56,98,7A sec:20,5A,85,26,8E,60,70,75,27 secOut:2B role:05 ff:8600 ui:8600 ep:['1101 5E,20,86,26,85,59,8E,32,31,71', '1101 5E,20,86,26,85,59,8E']
You’ll be looking for a 85
or 8E
in the cc or sec sections, which will indicate support for Association or MultichannelAssociation respectively.
Partly inspired by this thread, I’ve just released a Z-Wave Tweaker DTH, which can be used to configure Z-Wave associations for pretty much any device (that supports association).
Oh wow thank you so much!
I tried using it to associate a leviton z+ switch with a zooz z-wave+ plug. Even though the leviton switch took up the association, turning the switch on and off didn’t turn the plug on and off too.
This is the association group I tried using:
Association Group #1: [id:1, maxNodesSupported:5, name:Lifeline, nodes:[01, 03]]
The zooz switch has the network id of 03
, and 01
was already set as a node id, so I’m guessing thats the smart things hub. 0E
is the switches’ id, and they all supported 0x85 association as z+ devices.
I also tried doing an association previously with a minimote. At this point I’m probably going to give up and just use smart lighting, but I am thankful for all of your guy’s help.
The name of this group is “Lifeline”. Normally, the Lifeline group is only meant to contain the hub, and is used by the device to update the main controller about its status, you wouldn’t expect it to send any control commands to the members of this group.
I recommend checking in the product manual what other association groups exist, and crucially, what commands they are supposed to send to their members. To have it turn other devices on/off then you will be looking for a group that sends BASIC_SET or SWITCH_BINARY_SET commands for example.
In the results of Print General, what commands are listed as being “supported for CONTROL” ?
In the results of Print Assoc Groups, are there any other groups?
Also, another thing to check is whether either device is using security, as unsecured commands sent to a secure device may just be ignored (and vice versa).
That makes sense. The leviton switch only has 1 lifeline association group. Looking through the catalog most switches seem to be like that. Ironically the only ones that I was able to find with a basic set association group are the new Z-wave+ switches from GE:
New GE Switch:
Leviton’s Z-Wave Switch:
Yup, correct, you should be able to do device associations with that first one, but not the Leviton one.
Personally, I use the Fibaro in-wall dimmer and switch modules, they are way ahead of any smart switches in terms of supported features and configurability.
I am trying to get one of the Qubino Flush 2 Relays and a Aeotec Heavy Duty Relays to talk to each other.
One of the switches on the relay is supposed to turn on and off the heavy duty switch.
Can some one please guide me?
Tell us what you’ve tried so far. What DTH(s) are you using?