Is there a problem today? (February 4, 2020)

I have been able to perform all functions via Postman until today.

Today I’m having problems Deleting and Updating. Is there a problem?

Getting my rules, devices and locations all seem to be working.

When trying to Delete or Update a rule I receive back the following:
“requestId”: “D1CCF6E9-E489-4563-82AD-0B83516B04D6”,
“error”: {
“code”: “UnexpectedError”,
“target”: null,
“message”: “A non-recoverable error condition occurred.”,

Any help is appreciated.

Investigating - Some users may currently be unable to create or edit scenes or automations via the new or Classic SmartThings apps. We are currently investigating and will provide updates as available.
Feb 4, 16:08 EST


The above error does seem explained by the issue on the status page which is now resolved. Let us know if you have additional trouble.

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Yes, everything is good now, working properly.

Thank you.

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