IKEA Vindstyrka air quality sensor successfully paired

!Hi everyone,

I bought this sensor today and have successfully paired the sensor with the hub.

The sensor is recognized by the hub as a multi-sensor and correctly reads temperature and humidity using a driver from the smartthings beta channel. I would like to get pm 2.5 a tvoc if it’s possible… any ideas?

I try others driver without succes


I bought one yesterday but haven’t tried it yet. Would be nice to have it fully working

Yes, I think that we need the help of a developer

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How did you get it paired to the hub? I have tried multiple times with the app, with no luck…

After several attempts without luck, I try to push multiple times the link button on the ikea device during the pairing procedure with the hub.


Thank you so much! that worked!

Happy to hear that, now i hope to get full functionality…

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Was anyone able to find an edge driver for reading air quality?

Hello @sdbg

No, I recently found something on github, but i don’t understand if could be useful…

Can anyone tell me how often it reports data back to the SmartThings hub?

I use zigbee battery powered temperature sensors as virtual thermostats in my kids bedrooms and they are way too unreliable. They randomly report data between 20 minutes and 4 hours. That’s way too unreliable for my use case I need something that will report about every 15 minutes.

Do you read value changes in history?

Real updates you can see from here in App.

In this picture, the sensor sends a value every ten minutes.

My sensors are of a different type. I just wanted to clarify how to interpret the data.

Looks pretty solid to me.

My sensors are Aqara ones and the graphs are missing up to 2/3 of the blue lines (per hour, forget about per minute, there’s no way), while there are a few more readings in history, but still far from anough.
I have MYSA thermostats as well and since they’re connected (see not battery powered) and Wifi, the readings are solids and not missing a line even in the minutes graph.

Looking at your screen captures, it looks pretty reliable. It’s a bit expensive, but I’m having such a hard time finding a good alternative to zigbee battery powered devices…

Thanks for the screen caps!

You my be able to force a refresh every 15 min. using SharpTools. Most but not all devices can be refresh by SharpTools.

I do this to force my Honeywell T5 thermostat to refresh every 15 min. instead of only several times a day.

I thought it was a Matter device that’s why I connected it to a V3 hub. But now I see in “advanced” list its Zigbee. How come?
Apropos. I somewhere read: " quickly hit the connect button 4 times." That should do it.
Ikea calls it factory reset.
And… It contains a Sensirion chip that seems one of the best …


And now to find a bright guy here that gives us an edge driver that includes this pm2.5

And here the frequency. Seems to hit every 15 minutes, but maybe more frequent when bigger differences?

Anyway for 40 euro nice thing especially it contains this Sensirion chip which I think is 30 euro’s when bought separate

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I finally got one and the readings are crazy fast. As soon as there’s a change in humidity or temperature, it reports to the hub.

Now it’d be nice to have an edge driver for air quality, and perhaps have decimals for temperature because it doesn’t with the default driver unfortunately. Not in the main view anyway. That is if the device can report more precise temperature with increments of .1

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VINDSTYRKA temperature precision is one degree only, this is a limitation with the device firmware.

I think it can actually. I haven’t had enough temperature readings yet since it’s only been standing at the same place since I connected it this morning, but when you look at the history graph, there are decimals there. There are for humidity, so I don’t see why there wouldn’t for temperature as well.

This is Ikea’s decision to not expose the decimals of the temperature sensor over the Zigbee interface … I am 100% sure, as I wrote the Groovy driver for the other platform.


I really don’t mind not seeing decimals in the main view, but I need them for automations. As long as they are accessible in routines. Perhaps they already are, I could test it with routines and find out I guess.

If someone could write an edge driver for it, then we could have decimals in main view and whatnot

Priority for me is driver for the Air quality.
So I can make automation: “If I may die on low air quality pls ring an alarm.”

Apropos I read that the Sensirion chip in that box is very high accuracy/quality.