Frient Air Quality Sensor

Hi, I recently tried a Frient Zigbee Air Quality sensor with another home automation hub, and it works great.
Unfortunately, even if most of Frient devices are natively compatible with SmartThings, this one isn’t.

Any chance to have a DTH, or maybe at this point directly an Edge driver?

This sensor measures temperature, humidity and most importantly VOC (Volatile Organic Composts, like formaldeide) so it’s pretty unique!


Tagging @Rboy.


This one has been pending for a long time now and they just need to pull the trigger. You can contact them and request an integration and maybe it’ll push things along internally.

Yes I did that, they told me they’re evaluating it.

I have several of these sensors, and am waiting for the SmartThings compatibility also. I enquired on their contact form weeks ago without any reply. Very disappointing.

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Also looking for DHT for this device.
Bought it because other Friend sensors are supported by SmartThing platform

Contacted Frient via FB page.


I’m curious whether they decided to go the “old” way, with a groovy DTH, or if they created already an Edge Driver.

At least there is a driver for Frient smoke detector already. So 100% no to the old groovy way.

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I see that you developed them for Frient, I hope you got paid, in any case thank you!

For who might need Frient Drivers (for the air quality sensor and others):


@RBoy my sensor (which was previously recognised as “Zigbee thing” and associated with that driver) now keeps pairing with this DTH. Did you experienced something similar?
Until I can pair it with a driver, even a generic one, i can’t move it to your driver.

No issues here. Infact it’s the opposite, if you have a DTH assigned you can’t move to edge. Check your IDE to see if you have any custom DTH’s which may be interfering. It’s weird that it’s assigning a zwave DTH to a ZigBee device

My guess is some bug on ST side due to the transition because this doesn’t make sense.
I didn’t experienced that with any other device I moved to Edge.
I’ll try again in a couple of days.

The only to “move” a device to edge is:

  1. Exclude or delete device
  2. Delete custom DTH’s
  3. Install edge drivers
  4. Re pair device

As long as it is paired to a DTH you can’t move to edge drivers.

unfortunately it’s not a custom DTH, it’s a stock one.

@RBoy The Edge driver seems to work ok for me, but I get the following WARNing message in the log - any idea what it is?

2022-10-15T12:16:31.542014713+00:00 DEBUG frient Air Quality driver device thread event handled
2022-10-15T12:16:38.372647325+00:00 TRACE frient Air Quality Received event with handler zigbee
2022-10-15T12:16:38.381959979+00:00 INFO frient Air Quality <ZigbeeDevice: 79e1b309-ffd7-4851-8289-5c8156c8c915 [0x7B33] (frient Air Quality Sensor)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x7B33, src_endpoint: 0x26, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0xFC03 >, lqi: 0x98, rssi: -62, body_length: 0x000F, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x1C, mfg_code: 0x1015, seqno: 0x31, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Uint16, Uint16: 0x000E >, < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0003, DataType: Uint16, Uint16: 0x0001 > > > >
2022-10-15T12:16:38.398425208+00:00 TRACE frient Air Quality Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in freint-airquality
2022-10-15T12:16:38.403602795+00:00 INFO frient Air Quality Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: 0xFC03, attribute: 0x0000
2022-10-15T12:16:38.409369010+00:00 TRACE frient Air Quality Received VOC MeasuredValue :14
2022-10-15T12:16:38.415787551+00:00 INFO frient Air Quality <ZigbeeDevice: 79e1b309-ffd7-4851-8289-5c8156c8c915 [0x7B33] (frient Air Quality Sensor)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“airQuality”,“capability_id”:“airQualitySensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:0}}
2022-10-15T12:16:38.434207757+00:00 WARN frient Air Quality Attempted to generate event for 79e1b309-ffd7-4851-8289-5c8156c8c915.main but it does not support capability Tvoc Health Concern
2022-10-15T12:16:38.442012657+00:00 WARN frient Air Quality Attempted to generate event for 79e1b309-ffd7-4851-8289-5c8156c8c915.main but it does not support capability Tvoc Measurement
2022-10-15T12:16:38.448689327+00:00 INFO frient Air Quality <ZigbeeDevice: 79e1b309-ffd7-4851-8289-5c8156c8c915 [0x7B33] (frient Air Quality Sensor)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“vocLevel”,“capability_id”:“rboyapps.vocMeasurement”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“unit”:“ppb”,“value”:14}}
2022-10-15T12:16:38.468755022+00:00 INFO frient Air Quality <ZigbeeDevice: 79e1b309-ffd7-4851-8289-5c8156c8c915 [0x7B33] (frient Air Quality Sensor)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“vocLevel”,“capability_id”:“rboyapps.vocLevel”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“excellent”}}
2022-10-15T12:16:38.491337641+00:00 DEBUG frient Air Quality frient Air Quality Sensor device thread event handled
2022-10-15T12:17:01.659901475+00:00 DEBUG frient Air Quality driver device thread event handled

Don’t worry about the logs. There are features that may be available in future.

I spotted there’s a mis-spolling of frient in there as well - down as freint :laughing:

TRACE frient Air Quality Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in freint-airquality

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Should this fix the issue?