IKEA TRADFRI 5 button - buttons and events not working


I have big problem with IKEA TRADFRI 5 button but only with about 80% of them, they sucesfully connect to smartthings hub and I get battery status but events not updating and you can’t put any action on any button.

I am talking about this version of IKEA 5 button

So lets have I have about 30 5button tradri on only about 5 of them events updating and button responding , on 80% just stopped, they are still sucesfully connected to hub but can’t do nothing with them.

What I try till now to fix:

  1. Reset and reconnect (HUB recongize them as ZigBee Button) - still not working
  2. Tried to delete them, reset and reconnect - still not working HUB recognize them as ZigBee Button and add it to SmartThings app.
  3. I tried to install custom drivers from mocelet and change driver , I get again battery but no events no button working. (This drivers I installed: [Edge] IKEA RODRET, SOMRIG and SYMFONISK Gen 2 Button Edge Driver )
  4. After changing drivers to edge custom drivers tried to reconnect them - same thing not working.
  5. I installed yesterday CLI and turn on logcat when you pressing keys nothing show on CLI Debugging.

So what is very strange because 5 of 30 still updating events and all buttons normaly works and my whole house is with that remotes so I need to get them working.

When I am looking in advance settings everything is same in this what working and others most of them what not working.

They stopped to work before few months, I am still using them directly connected to BULB, but on some of them I used LONG press button to activate some rutine and this stopped working on 25/30 of them.

Please help me to get it fix somehow

So, they were working before with another driver and just stopped working, right?

Did you try removing the battery of the button and placing it again? That usually works for me when a button does weird things, like button presses not working or not reporting battery.

You mention having them directly connected to bulbs, that means you’re using bindings or you meant routines controlling a bulb? My driver does not support bindings, and if you’ve not updated the firmware of the buttons (SmartThings can’t anyway) I would try to use the same driver you were using before.

Tried to remove battery for 5 minutes and back same thing.

They were working before 1 year for sure, but how I say I still have few of them I think 5 from 30 what still working.

Drivers are the same for this what working and this what not working when connected to HUB it is discovered as Zigbee Button.

Device what working is same Zigbee button.

I am connecteding Ikea BULB to HUB, then Ikea 5button to HUB and then you can connect Remote to BULB directly too. Btw… I tried with connected remote to bulb and hub , and I tried to connect 5button only to hub and then add action to light bulb on middle same thing you can’t get remote working because I cant add action to 5button tradfri :slight_smile: so I have them connected to bulb to I can light lights in my house.

1 remote what working on press and hold its same 5button , have some actions to do on hold right and left button, this is connected to hub and to bulb and I see evetns and all actions working same as 5 others.

How I say I tried with orginal drivers and with your drivers.

When I turn on debug in CLI , and pressing buttons with Zigbee button drivers and your drivers not showing nothing, but when I go to app and lets say refresh status something show in CLI updated status and some other messages but still I don’t see events and buttons not working :frowning:

Hi @Mario_Pavic

Could you please share with us the names of the buttons that are not working, as well as those that are working?

Could you provide support access to your account, please?

  1. Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM
  2. Enable support access to your account:
  3. Go to the SmartThings Web (my.smartthings.com )
  4. Log in to your Samsung Account
  5. Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
  6. Toggle on Account Data Access
  7. Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.


Hello I do that:
You granted the SmartThings Support team with access to your account with no end date on Nov 5. This will not expire until turned off.

Time Remaining on Authorization: Until Turned Off.

How to send you name of buttons and what account is there I don’t want to public share my email for house access.


You can send me the names of the buttons and the email via a direct message (DM).


Done I sent you DM all what you asked, thank you.

Hi @Mario_Pavic
Have you done many “driver switches”? It’s when you change the driver assigned to the device without deleting it (this can be done from the app or the Advanced Users app).


I tried with delete device, and don’t delete device. I tried about 20 times in last few months with orginal drivers what working on some tradfri 5 buttons what I have in house. After few months what I couldnt get it work, I try to install this drivers from Mocalet and same I tried without delete device and with delete device.

I tried with 3 different 5button ikea devices so its not only to happening to one, it happend to more then 25 what not working and 3-4 what still working without touching them for years.

Hi @Mario_Pavic

It’s possible that, due to this process, the device may have lost some of its configuration to report status changes.

We recommend reinstalling the device to ensure it receives the correct configuration.

If the issue persists, we will need to review the installation logs of the device. Please make sure to enable the driver logs before starting the process to capture all the configuration details.

Logs of the driver:

After replicating, please share the hub logs as well.

Provide the Hub logs through the my.smartthings.com:

  1. In the my.smartthings, enter “your hubs”
  2. Enter the corresponding Hub
  3. Click on “Dump Hub Logs”
  4. Change the reason for requesting hub logs if needed
  5. Click on “Dump Hub Logs”
  6. Confirm that the request is submitted
    Note: If you have more than one Hub, the name of the one involved in the issue.

I done everything I sent you CLI logs on DM, and clicked on Smartthings DUMP LOGS.

Hey Mario, I’m the dev who investigated this for you, and I’ve got bad news: you ran into a very obscure corner case that basically only affects this specific device.

I’ll try to explain it as best I can.

The IKEA remote uses something called Zigbee groups to notify the network about its button presses. The way this works is that the remote says, “Hey, join this group if you want to get notified when my buttons are pressed, and I’ll send a message to everyone in it.” So when we join an Ikea remote, we add our hub to the remote’s group, and store the address of that group in a table on the hub. If you’re interested, here’s the line in the code where this happens.

Now where we run into trouble is that our table for storing those groups has a max size of 32, so once we’ve reached 32 groups we can’t add any more. But where we run into even more trouble is that once we join a group, we don’t ever leave it, and we don’t expose the ability to leave groups to drivers.

This is for a number of reasons, namely that groups can affect multiple devices, and allowing one device to possibly influence the functionality of another device through its driver code is not something we want, as it leaves the door open for bad actors (or inadvertent mistakes). But the other reason is that we have access to a very limited amount of information about these groups, so we never really know if they’re safe to leave.

tl;dr: Over the lifespan of your hub, once you’ve joined an Ikea remote 32 times, future Ikea remotes will fail to report button presses. This is specific to Ikea remotes. Other Zigbee remotes don’t use this same mechanism.

The bad news: The only way to fix this currently would be to factory reset your hub and re-join all your devices, and after your 32nd join of an Ikea remote, you’d see the issue again.

The good news: We are working on an overhaul of Zigbee groups handling, and are currently thinking about the best way to handle your specific corner case. My team is pushing for this to be included in hub firmware v56, which would be the next one we work on.


Wow, Thank you for explanation.

But only 2 or 3 zigbee remote ikea working for button presses, why not working rest 29 or 30 if max is 32 ?

Btw… Will update on firmware v56 for hub waiting time I mean will be 1 month or 1 year , approx what you think when can be updated ?

Will update be available for EU region or only USA ? Because many updates first come to USA, and for 1 year later to Europe - Croatia.

Best regards,

There is a firmware update (24.4.5) available for these remotes that makes them use unicast messaging instead of zigbee groups.

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The ones that are working were installed before you hit the group limit, so their group is one of the 32 in the table.

If you had one remote installed and then removed it and added it again, then you’d have 2 entries in the table. Every time you add an Ikea remote, even if it’s a removal and re-join, that counter goes up by 1.

As for release timelines, I’m afraid I’m not the right person to ask about that. We’re beta testing v55 for hub v2s and v3s right now, though.

Is this solution for my problem ? And How to force update firmware to one of the tradfri 5button to test is it working ?

I guess you need an IKEA hub, just for the update.

Some other hubs can also do this, but I’m not very familiar with the house rules here, so I’ll not name names.

You’re right, SmartThings won’t update the firmware of IKEA devices, I believe they only update a (very) small selection of brands / models.

BTW if that’s actually you, glad to see you around here, your collection of Hubitat drivers for IKEA devices is amazing!

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Hi, thanks for this information.

I have a very similar issue with this type of button

I rejoined the button to my ST system and the system recognises the button, provides battery info but events do not work…

Is there any more infomration on when the fix for this in ST will be ready? thanks