IFTTT not recognizing Iris contact sensor temp through SmartThings service

When I try to use the SmartThings service in IFTTT and select the device that’s an Iris contact sensor for the open/close event IFTTT recognizes it and I can use it to trigger events fine. However if I use the SmartThings service with IFTTT and select temperature sensor SmartThings isn’t reporting the Iris contact sensor out as a temperature sensor.

In the SmartThings mobile app I can see the open/close status, temperature, and battery level of the Iris contact sensor. Is this a problem with SmartThings not reporting out the temperature to external integrations or am I in the wrong spot and need to be looking at IFTTT as the problem?

Make sure in your IFTTT setup that you have authorized the device under BOTH contacts and temperature sensors. Adding it for 1 does not add it for both. This allows you to pick and choose specifically which items you want for each category (perhaps you don’t want certain temp sensors because they’re unreliable or in a place where you know they will be inaccurate, such as a motion sensor above your dryer also acting as a temp sensor)

Thank you! That worked.