So yesterday I installed some Iris contact sensors on all the doors to exit to the exterior of my home. It was my first step in adding security to my home via SmartThings. Out of the box everything was easy to set up. All features came online great (except for the nice ST outage in the middle). I was looking at them today, now that I am at work and noticed two things.
1 of the 4 sensors is at 89% battery already. It was in the process of pairing during the outage. I am wondering if the actively searching for a hour or so drained the hell out of the battery?
I am notching about a 15 degree temperature delta right now between my main home thermostat, and these units. Is that because they are picking up cold off of the exterior doors/draft? Do those that have these adjust the delta in the software to get more accurate air temps near them, or do you leave them be and let them report that data?