IDE Not working like it should

I am not sure what happened during the outage last night, but the aftermath was great here. For many months my IDE would take forever to load, and many times would need to be logged on many times. And it had many errors. ST thought it was my Github integration, but I didn’t change anything and it works almost perfect.

I am not sure what ST did, but I am very happy they did.

My IDE, with GitHub integration on is much faster than it was. It’s almost instant bringing up SmartApps and Device Handlers now.

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Mine is quick too.
But I have noticed that smartapps are black italics (correct) but my device handlers are black normal font. (Not correct).
Not sure if this is why things have speeded up.
In fact all my repository data is blank in dh list.
The information is still in the settings though.

Well I don’t care if the text is one font or another as long as it works. This morning I did do an update and it worked.

I’m afraid it does matter.
If there is no github repository shown, then there is no spy glass to click on to get the update.
I can update smartapps but not device handlers.

Same here, much faster. Looks like ST probably changed how the page was loading. It looks like the list shows up right away, but blue at first (as if there’s no Github integration) and then it switches to black normal font (as it checks in with Github). Perhaps in the “old” way the list was shown only after Github integration validation (to show you the different fonts/colors).

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It is working fine with Github integration, whatever they did worked.

This ticket went back to Feb 21 ticket 1RKQO6-VY9X

Hey Joel,

Do you see empty repos in the IDE, like this:

No I don’t everything is intact. The only ones without entries are the ones where GitHub entries were wrong in the first place. Like DLNA Player.

Crapp, mine’s broke… Support ticket emailed in. Thanks.

Looks like there are other people with problems. I just choose a smartapp from repo and published, without a problem. I then deleted it to see if I would get an error. Worked OK.

Wow, you were not kidding, the IDE is very snappy fast!

Hey guys I have the same problem, DTH github is blank. Last time this happened to me was because one of the people I was linked to deleted the name space I was connected to. I have been going thru my list trying to find out which one it is. I am wondering it we all possibly are linked to to the same dth that might have changed.

I think I have narrowed it down to 5, is anybody connect to any of the following?

Info-Fiend Hue b smart
krlaframboise : Aeon Labs Multifunction Siren
krlaframboise : GoControl Multifunction Siren
pmjoen : Dimmer-Switch-Levels
smartthings : Momentary Button Tile

Awwww SNAP! I was paying so much attention to the only the IDE performance but my entire GitHub Repository table for Device Handlers is empty as well. So is that what is making my IDE so snappy fast is that there is nothing linked up? :frowning2: Time to submit a service request

Here is a screenshot of my multi function siren.

Same for me.

OK when this happened last time it was because krlaframboise changed his name space. @johnconstantelo are you connected to krlaframboise ?

It looks like all of my GitHub device handler Repos are blank as well…

@tonesto7 NST Manager, @Mike_Maxwell uDTH and LANnouncer included.

Support ticket opened.